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Instructions are the main component of a program. quokka enables a seamless interaction with them and offers a first-class support for both capstone and pypcode.

Finding an instruction

import quokka
prog = quokka.Program('docs/samples/qb-crackme.quokka', 'docs/samples/qb-crackme')

# Method 1 : from the program by its address
inst = prog.get_instruction(0x80494e8)
# print(inst)

# Method 2: by the function
func = prog.fun_names['level1']
inst = func.get_instruction(0x80494e8)

# Method 3: by the block
block = func.get_block(func.start)
inst = block.get_instruction(0x80494e8)

Instructions attributes

Printing the mnemonic

print(inst)              # <Inst push>
print(inst.mnemonic)     # push

Using the capstone bindings

If capstone is installed, it's possible to access the capstone object by using inst.cs_inst.

# <CsInsn 0x80494e8 [55]: push ebp>

With this method, you can access every capstone attributes. For instance, to get the read registers:

for reg in inst.cs_inst.regs_read:

Mnemonics and operands

The mnemonic is given by IDA and found using instruction.mnemonic.


There exists some discrepancies between IDA and Capstone, and they may not agree all the time on the disassembly. quokka tries to fall back to sane values.



Operands are not fully implemented. Use carefully.

The instruction operands are listed in the operands attribute. The fields of the operands are directly replicated from the protobuf (and found in IDA).

The details field replicates some attributes from capstone if needed.


At some point, the information extracted from IDA will be unserialized, and it will be possible to fully understand what the fields mean.