Source code for tritondse.workspace

# built-in imports
from __future__ import annotations
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Generator, Optional, Union
import time

# local imports
from tritondse.types import PathLike
from tritondse.seed import Seed, SeedStatus
import tritondse.logging

logger = tritondse.logging.get('workspace')

[docs] class Workspace(object): """ Class to abstract the file tree of the current exploration workspace. A user willing to save additional files in the workspace is invited to do it from the workspace API as it somehow abstract the exact location of it. """ DEFAULT_WORKSPACE = "/tmp/triton_workspace" CORPUS_DIR = "corpus" CRASH_DIR = "crashes" HANG_DIR = "hangs" FAIL_DIR = "fails" WORKLIST_DIR = "worklist" METADATA_DIR = "metadata" BIN_DIR = "bin" LOG_FILE = "tritondse.log" def __init__(self, root_dir: PathLike): """ :param root_dir: Root directory of the workspace. Created if not existing :type root_dir: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.PathLike` """ if not root_dir: # If no workspace was provided create a unique temporary one self.root_dir = Path(self.DEFAULT_WORKSPACE) / str(time.time()).replace(".", "") self.root_dir.mkdir(parents=True) else: self.root_dir = Path(root_dir) if not self.root_dir.exists(): # Create the directory in case it was not existing self.root_dir.mkdir(parents=True) self.initialize() self.root_dir: Path = self.root_dir.resolve() #: root directory of the Workspace
[docs] def initialize(self, flush: bool = False) -> None: """ Initialize the workspace by creating all required sub-folders if not already existing. :param flush: if True deletes all files contained in the workspace :type flush: bool """ for directory in (self.root_dir / x for x in [self.CORPUS_DIR, self.CRASH_DIR, self.HANG_DIR, self.WORKLIST_DIR, self.METADATA_DIR, self.BIN_DIR, self.FAIL_DIR]): if not directory.exists(): logger.debug(f"Creating the {directory} directory") directory.mkdir(parents=True) else: if flush:"Resetting the {directory} directory") shutil.rmtree(directory) directory.mkdir()
[docs] def get_metadata_file(self, name: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Read a metadata file from the workspace on disk. Data is read as a string. If the given file does not exist, None is returned :param name: file name (can also be a path) :type name: str :returns: File content as string if existing :rtype: Optional[str] """ p = (self.root_dir / self.METADATA_DIR) / name if p.exists(): return p.read_text() else: return None
[docs] def get_metadata_file_path(self, name: str) -> Path: """ Get a file path in the workspace directory that the user can write into. Might be called for the user to write on its own the file content. If name is a file tree, all parent directories are created. :param name: filename wanted :type name: str :return: absolute filepath (regardless of whether it exists or not) """ p = (self.root_dir / self.METADATA_DIR) / name if not p.parent.exists(): p.parent.mkdir(parents=True) return p
[docs] def get_binary_directory(self) -> Path: """ Get the directory containing the executable (and its dependencies). :return: Path of the directory """ return self.root_dir / self.BIN_DIR
[docs] def save_metadata_file(self, name: str, content: Union[str, bytes]) -> None: """ Save ``content`` in a file ``name`` in the metadata directory. The name should be a file name not a path. :param name: file name :type name: str :param content: content of the file to write :type content: Union[str, bytes] """ p = (self.root_dir / self.METADATA_DIR) / name if isinstance(content, str): p.write_text(content) else: p.write_bytes(content)
def _iter_seeds(self, directory: str, st: SeedStatus) -> Generator[Seed, None, None]: """ Iterate over seeds """ for file in (self.root_dir/directory).glob("*.cov"): yield Seed.from_file(file, st)
[docs] def iter_corpus(self) -> Generator[Seed, None, None]: """ Iterate over the corpus files as Seed object. :returns: generator of Seed object :rtype: Generator[Seed, None, None] """ yield from self._iter_seeds(self.CORPUS_DIR, SeedStatus.OK_DONE)
[docs] def iter_crashes(self) -> Generator[Seed, None, None]: """ Iterate over the crashes files as Seed object. :returns: generator of Seed object :rtype: Generator[Seed, None, None] """ yield from self._iter_seeds(self.CRASH_DIR, SeedStatus.CRASH)
[docs] def iter_hangs(self) -> Generator[Seed, None, None]: """ Iterate over the hang files as Seed object. :returns: generator of Seed object :rtype: Generator[Seed, None, None] """ yield from self._iter_seeds(self.HANG_DIR, SeedStatus.HANG)
[docs] def iter_worklist(self) -> Generator[Seed, None, None]: """ Iterate over the worklist files as Seed object. Worklist are all the pending seeds :returns: generator of Seed object :rtype: Generator[Seed, None, None] """ yield from self._iter_seeds(self.WORKLIST_DIR, SeedStatus.NEW)
[docs] def iter_fails(self) -> Generator[Seed, None, None]: """ Iterate over the fail files as Seed object. :returns: generator of Seed object :rtype: Generator[Seed, None, None] """ yield from self._iter_seeds(self.FAIL_DIR, SeedStatus.FAIL)
[docs] def save_seed(self, seed: Seed) -> None: """ Save the current seed in the workspace directory matching its status. :param seed: Seed to save :type seed: Seed """ mapper = {SeedStatus.NEW: self.WORKLIST_DIR, SeedStatus.OK_DONE: self.CORPUS_DIR, SeedStatus.HANG: self.HANG_DIR, SeedStatus.CRASH: self.CRASH_DIR, SeedStatus.FAIL: self.FAIL_DIR} p = (self.root_dir / mapper[seed.status]) / seed.filename p.write_bytes(bytes(seed))
[docs] def update_seed_location(self, seed: Seed) -> None: """ Move a worklist seed to its final location according to its (new) status. Typically used to move a seed from pending ones to corpus or crash once it is fully consumed. :param seed: seed to move :type seed: Seed """ old_p = (self.root_dir / self.WORKLIST_DIR) / seed.filename try: old_p.unlink() # Remove the seed from the worklist except: logger.warning(f"seed {seed} unlink failed") pass # FIXME: Not meant to get here self.save_seed(seed)
[docs] def save_file(self, rel_path: PathLike, content: Union[str, bytes], override: bool = False): """ Save an arbitrary file in the workspace by providing the relative path of the file. If ``override`` is True, erase the previous file if any. :param rel_path: relative path of the file :type rel_path: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.PathLike` :param content: content to write :type content: Union[str, bytes] :param override: whether to override or not an existing file :type override: bool """ p = self.root_dir / rel_path p.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not p.exists() or override: if isinstance(content, str): p.write_text(content) elif isinstance(content, bytes): p.write_bytes(content) else: assert False
@property def logfile_path(self): return self.root_dir / self.LOG_FILE