Source code for tritondse.symbolic_explorator

import time
import threading
import gc
from enum import Enum
from typing import Union, Type, Optional
import stat
import enum_tools.documentation

from tritondse.config            import Config
from tritondse.process_state     import ProcessState
from tritondse.loaders.loader    import Loader
from tritondse.seed              import Seed
from tritondse.symbolic_executor import SymbolicExecutor
from tritondse.workspace         import Workspace
from tritondse.coverage          import GlobalCoverage
from tritondse.types             import Addr
from tritondse.exception         import StopExplorationException
from tritondse.seed_manager import SeedManager
from tritondse.seed_scheduler import SeedScheduler
from tritondse.callbacks import CallbackManager
import tritondse.logging

logger = tritondse.logging.get("explorator")

[docs] @enum_tools.documentation.document_enum class ExplorationStatus(Enum): """ Enum representing the current state of the exploration """ NOT_RUNNING = 0 # doc: The explorator has not been started yet RUNNING = 1 # doc: The explorator is running and performing exploration IDLE = 2 # doc: The explorator is idle, it has run, but is out of inputs to process STOPPED = 3 # doc: The explorator has been stopped by the user TERMINATED = 4 # doc: The explorator has stopped normally, reached its goal (user-defined)
[docs] class SymbolicExplorator(object): """ Symbolic Exploration. This class is in charge of iterating executions with the different seeds available in the workspace and generated along the way. """ def __init__(self, config: Config, loader: Loader = None, workspace: Workspace = None, executor_stop_at: Addr = None, seed_scheduler_class: Type[SeedScheduler] = None): self.loader: Loader = loader #: Program being analyzed self.config: Config = config #: Configuration file self.cbm: CallbackManager = CallbackManager() #: CallbackManager to register callbacks self._stop = False self.ts: float = time.time() #: Timestamp (object instantiation) self.uid_counter: int = 0 self.status: ExplorationStatus = ExplorationStatus.NOT_RUNNING #: status of the execution self._executor_stop_at = executor_stop_at # Initialize the workspace if workspace: self.workspace: Workspace = workspace #: exploration workspace else: self.workspace: Workspace = Workspace(self.config.workspace) #: workspace object self.workspace.initialize(flush=self.config.workspace_reset) # Save the configuration in the workspace self.workspace.save_file("config.json", self.config.to_json()) # Save the binary in the workspace if not already done if self.loader: bin_path = self.workspace.get_binary_directory() / if not bin_path.exists(): # If the program is not yet present self.workspace.save_file(bin_path, self.loader.bin_path.read_bytes()) self.loader.bin_path = bin_path # Patch its official new location bin_path.chmod(stat.S_IRWXU) # Make it executable # Configure logfile in workspace tritondse.logging.enable_to_file(logger.level, self.workspace.logfile_path) # Initialize coverage self.coverage: GlobalCoverage = GlobalCoverage(self.config.coverage_strategy, self.config.branch_solving_strategy) """ GlobalCoverage object holding information about the global coverage. *(not really meant to be manipulated by the user)* """ # Load workspace global coverage if any cov = self.workspace.get_metadata_file_path(GlobalCoverage.COVERAGE_FILE) if cov.exists(): self.coverage = GlobalCoverage.from_file(cov) # Initialize the seed manager self.seeds_manager: SeedManager = SeedManager(self.coverage, self.workspace, self.config.smt_queries_limit, callback_manager=self.cbm, seed_scheduler_class=seed_scheduler_class) """ Manager of seed, holding all seeds related data and various statistics """ # running executors (for debugging purposes) self.current_executor: Optional[SymbolicExecutor] = None #: last symbolic executor executed # General purpose attributes self._exec_count = 0 self._total_emulation_time = 0 @property def total_emulation_time(self) -> float: """ Represent total emulation time. This includes all callbacks execution but not the SMT solving time (performed at the end). """ return self._total_emulation_time @property def callback_manager(self) -> CallbackManager: """ CallbackManager global instance that will be transmitted to all :py:obj:`SymbolicExecutor`. :rtype: CallbackManager """ return self.cbm @property def execution_count(self) -> int: """ Get the number of execution performed. :return: number of execution performed :rtype: int """ return self._exec_count def __time_delta(self): return time.time() - self.ts def _worker(self, seed, uid): """ Worker thread """'Pick-up seed: {seed.filename} (fresh: {seed.is_fresh()})') if self.config.exploration_timeout and self.__time_delta() >= self.config.exploration_timeout:'Exploration timeout') self.stop_exploration() return # Execute the binary with seeds cbs = None if self.cbm.is_empty() else self.cbm.fork()"Initialize ProcessState with thread scheduling: {self.config.thread_scheduling}") execution = SymbolicExecutor(self.config, seed=seed, workspace=self.workspace, uid=uid, callbacks=cbs) if self.loader: # If doing the exploration from a program execution.load(self.loader) else: execution.load_process(ProcessState()) # self.current_executor = execution # increment exec_count self._exec_count += 1 ts = time.time() try: expl_ts = time.time() - ts except StopExplorationException: expl_ts = time.time() - ts"Exploration interrupted (coverage not integrated)") self.stop_exploration() if self.config.exploration_limit and (uid+1) >= self.config.exploration_limit:'Exploration limit reached') self.stop_exploration() # Some analysis in post execution solve_time = self.seeds_manager.post_execution(execution, seed, not self._stop) self._total_emulation_time += expl_ts"Emulation: {self._fmt_secs(expl_ts)} | Solving: {self._fmt_secs(solve_time)} | Elapsed: {self._fmt_secs(self.__time_delta())}\n")
[docs] def step(self) -> None: """ Perform a single exploration step. That means it execute a single :py:obj:`SymbolicExecutor`. Then it gives the hand back to the user. """ # Take an input seed = self.seeds_manager.pick_seed() # If we don't have any new seed to process just switch exploration to idle if seed is None:"worklist of seed to process is empty") self.status = ExplorationStatus.IDLE return # Iterate the callback to be called at each steps for cb in self.cbm.get_exploration_step_callbacks(): cb(self) # Execution into a thread t = threading.Thread( name='\033[0;%dm[exec:%08d]\033[0m' % ((31 + (self.uid_counter % 4)), self.uid_counter), target=self._worker, args=[seed, self.uid_counter], daemon=True ) t.start() self.uid_counter += 1 while True: t.join(0.001) if not t.is_alive(): break
[docs] def explore(self) -> ExplorationStatus: """ Start the symbolic exploration. That function holds until the exploration is interrupted or finished. :returns: the status of the exploration :rtype: ExplorationStatus """ self.status = ExplorationStatus.RUNNING try: while self.seeds_manager.seeds_available() and not self._stop: gc.collect() self.step() if self.status == ExplorationStatus.RUNNING: if not self.seeds_manager.seeds_available():"exploration step done (no new seed available)") self.status = ExplorationStatus.IDLE else: logger.warning(f'should not exit step() in RUNNING state (stop? {self._stop}, seeds available? {self.seeds_manager.seeds_available()})') except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.warning("keyboard interrupt, stop symbolic exploration") self.stop_exploration() self.post_exploration()"Total time of the exploration: {self._fmt_secs(self.__time_delta())}") if self.status == ExplorationStatus.IDLE:"Execution IDLE no seeds to execute") return self.status
[docs] def add_input_seed(self, seed: Union[bytes, Seed]) -> None: """ Add the given bytes or Seed object as input for the exploration. :param seed: input seed to add in the pending inputs to process :type seed: Union[bytes, Seed] """ seed = seed if isinstance(seed, Seed) else Seed(seed) self.seeds_manager.add_new_seed(seed)
[docs] def stop_exploration(self) -> None: """ Interrupt the exploration """ self.status = ExplorationStatus.STOPPED self._stop = True
[docs] def terminate_exploration(self) -> None: """ Terminate exploration with status terminated (normal shutdown) """ self.status = ExplorationStatus.TERMINATED self._stop = True
@staticmethod def _fmt_secs(seconds) -> str: m, s = divmod(seconds, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) return (f"{int(h)}h" if h else '')+f"{int(m)}m{int(s)}s"
[docs] def post_exploration(self) -> None: """ Perform all calls to post exploration functions""" self.seeds_manager.post_exploration() self.coverage.post_exploration(self.workspace)