Source code for tritondse.symbolic_executor

# built-in imports
import io
import time
import os

if == 'posix':
    import resource

from typing import Optional, Union, List, NoReturn, Type

# third party imports
from triton import MODE, Instruction, CPUSIZE, MemoryAccess

# local imports
from tritondse.config import Config
from tritondse.coverage import CoverageSingleRun, BranchSolvingStrategy
from tritondse.process_state import ProcessState
from tritondse.loaders.loader import Loader
from tritondse.seed import Seed, SeedStatus, CompositeData
from tritondse.types import Expression, Architecture, Addr, Model, Register
from tritondse.routines import SUPPORTED_ROUTINES, SUPORTED_GVARIABLES
from tritondse.callbacks import CallbackManager
from tritondse.workspace import Workspace
from tritondse.heap_allocator import AllocatorException
from tritondse.thread_context import ThreadContext
from tritondse.exception import AbortExecutionException, SkipInstructionException, StopExplorationException, ProbeException
from tritondse.memory import MemoryAccessViolation, Perm
import tritondse.logging

logger = tritondse.logging.get("executor")

[docs] class SymbolicExecutor(object): """ Single Program Execution Class. That module, is in charge of performing the process loading from the given program. """ def __init__(self, config: Config, seed: Seed = Seed(), workspace: Workspace = None, uid=0, callbacks=None): """ :param config: configuration file to use :type config: Config :param seed: input file to inject either in stdin or argv (optional) :type seed: Seed :param workspace: Workspace to use. If None it will be instantiated :type workspace: Optional[Workspace] :param uid: Unique ID. Given by :py:obj:`SymbolicExplorator` to identify uniquely executions :type uid: int :param callbacks: callbacks to bind on this execution before running *(instanciated if empty !)* :type callbacks: CallbackManager """ self.config: Config = config #: Configuration file used self.loader: Optional[Type[Loader]] = None #: Loader used to run the code self.pstate: Optional[ProcessState] = None #: ProcessState # Initialize the workspace if workspace: self.workspace: Workspace = workspace #: exploration workspace else: self.workspace: Workspace = Workspace(self.config.workspace) #: workspace object self.workspace.initialize(flush=self.config.workspace_reset) self.seed: Seed = seed #: The current seed used for the execution # Override config if there is a mismatch between seed format and config file if seed.format != self.config.seed_format: logger.warning(f"seed format {seed.format} mismatch config {config.seed_format} (override config)") self.config.seed_format = seed.format self.symbolic_seed = self._init_symbolic_seed(seed) #: symbolic seed (same structure than Seed but with symbols) self.coverage: CoverageSingleRun = CoverageSingleRun(self.config.coverage_strategy) #: Coverage of the execution self.rtn_table = dict() # Addr -> Tuple[fname, routine] self.uid: int = uid #: Unique identifier meant to unique accross Exploration instances self.start_time: int = 0 #: start time of the process self.end_time: int = 0 #: end time of the process # create callback object if not provided as argument, and bind callbacks to the current process state self.cbm: CallbackManager = callbacks if callbacks is not None else CallbackManager() """callback manager""" # List of new seeds filled during the execution and flushed by explorator self._pending_seeds = [] self._run_to_target = None self.trace_offset: int = 0 #: counter of instructions executed self.previous_pc: int = 0 #: previous program counter executed self.current_pc = 0 #: current program counter self.debug_pp = False self._in_processing = False # use to know if we are currently processing an instruction # TODO: Here we load the binary each time we run an execution (via ELFLoader). We can # avoid this (and so gain in speed) if a TritonContext could be forked from a # state. See: def _init_symbolic_seed(self, seed: Seed) -> Union[list, CompositeData]: if seed.is_raw(): return [None]*len(seed.content) else: # is composite argv = [[None]*len(a) for a in seed.content.argv] files = {k: [None]*len(v) for k, v in seed.content.files.items()} variables = {k: [None]*(1 if isinstance(v, int) else len(v)) for k, v in seed.content.variables.items()} return CompositeData(argv=argv, files=files, variables=variables)
[docs] def load(self, loader: Loader) -> None: """ Use the given loader to initialize the ProcessState. It overrides the current ProcessState if any. :param loader: Loader describing how to load :return: None """ # Initialize the process_state architecture (at this point arch is sure to be supported) self.loader = loader logger.debug(f"Loading program {} [{self.loader.architecture}]") self.pstate = ProcessState.from_loader(loader) self._map_dynamic_symbols() self._load_seed_process_state(self.pstate, self.seed)
[docs] def load_process(self, pstate: ProcessState) -> None: """ Load the given process state. Do nothing but setting the internal ProcessState. :param pstate: ProcessState to set """ self.pstate = pstate self._load_seed_process_state(self.pstate, self.seed)
@staticmethod def _load_seed_process_state(pstate: ProcessState, seed: Seed) -> None: if seed.is_raw(): data = seed.content else: # is composite if seed.is_file_defined("stdin"): data = seed.get_file_input("stdin") else: return filedesc = pstate.get_file_descriptor(0) filedesc.fd = io.BytesIO(data) @property def execution_time(self) -> int: """ Time taken for the execution in seconds .. warning:: Only relevant at the end of the execution :return: execution time (in s) """ return self.end_time - self.start_time @property def pending_seeds(self) -> List[Seed]: """ List of pending seeds gathered during execution. .. warning:: Only relevant at the end of execution :returns: list of new seeds generated :rtype: List[Seed] """ return self._pending_seeds
[docs] def enqueue_seed(self, seed: Seed) -> None: """ Add a seed to the queue of seed to be executed in later iterations. This function is meant to be used by user callbacks. :param seed: Seed to be added :type seed: Seed """ self._pending_seeds.append(seed)
@property def callback_manager(self) -> CallbackManager: """ Get the callback manager associated with the execution. :rtype: CallbackManager""" return self.cbm
[docs] def is_seed_injected(self) -> bool: """ Get whether the seed has been injected. :return: True if the seed has already been inserted """ if self.config.is_format_raw(): return bool(self.symbolic_seed) elif self.config.is_format_composite(): # Namely has one of the various input been injected or not return bool(self.symbolic_seed.files) or bool(self.symbolic_seed.variables) else: assert False
def _configure_pstate(self) -> None: # for mode in [MODE.ALIGNED_MEMORY, MODE.AST_OPTIMIZATIONS, MODE.CONSTANT_FOLDING, MODE.ONLY_ON_SYMBOLIZED]: for mode in [MODE.ONLY_ON_SYMBOLIZED]: self.pstate.set_triton_mode(mode, True)"configure pstate: time_inc:{self.config.time_inc_coefficient} solver:{} timeout:{self.config.smt_timeout}") self.pstate.time_inc_coefficient = self.config.time_inc_coefficient self.pstate.set_solver_timeout(self.config.smt_timeout) self.pstate.set_solver(self.config.smt_solver) def _fetch_next_thread(self, threads: List[ThreadContext]) -> Optional[ThreadContext]: """ Given a list of threads, returns the next to execute. Iterating threads in a round-robin style picking the next item in the list. :param threads: list of threads :return: thread context """ cur_idx = threads.index(self.pstate.current_thread) tmp_list = threads[cur_idx+1:]+threads[:cur_idx] # rotate list (and exclude current_item) for th in tmp_list: if th.is_running(): return th # Return the first thread that is properly running return None def __schedule_thread(self) -> None: threads_list = self.pstate.threads if len(threads_list) == 1: # If there is only one thread no need to schedule another thread return if self.pstate.current_thread.count > self.config.thread_scheduling: # Select the next thread to execute next_th = self._fetch_next_thread(threads_list) if next_th: # We found another thread to schedule # Call all callbacks related to threads for cb in self.cbm.get_context_switch_callback(): cb(self, self.pstate, self.pstate.current_thread) # Save current context and restore new thread context (+kill current if dead) self.pstate.switch_thread(next_th) else: # There are other thread but not other one is available (thus keep current one) self.pstate.current_thread.count = 0 # Reset its counter else: # Increment the instruction counter of the thread (a bit in advance, but it does not matter) self.pstate.current_thread.count += 1 def _symbolic_mem_callback(self, _: 'SymbolicExecutor', __: ProcessState, mem: MemoryAccess, *args): tgt_addr = mem.getAddress() lea_ast = mem.getLeaAst() if lea_ast is None: return if lea_ast.isSymbolized(): s = "write" if bool(args) else "read" pc = self.pstate.cpu.program_counter logger.debug(f"symbolic {s} at 0x{pc:x}: target: 0x{tgt_addr:x} [{lea_ast}]") self.pstate.push_constraint(lea_ast == tgt_addr, f"sym-{s}:{self.trace_offset}:{pc}")
[docs] def emulate(self): while not self.pstate.stop and self.pstate.threads: if not self.step(): break if not self.seed.is_status_set(): # Set a status if it has not already been done self.seed.status = SeedStatus.OK_DONE return
[docs] def step(self) -> bool: """ Perform a single instruction step. Returns whether the emulation can continue or we have to stop. """ try: # Schedule thread if it's time self.__schedule_thread() if not self.pstate.current_thread.is_running(): logger.warning(f"After scheduling current thread is not running (probably in a deadlock state)") return False # Were not able to find a suitable thread thus exit emulation # Fetch program counter (of the thread selected), at this point the current thread should be running! self.current_pc = self.pstate.cpu.program_counter # should normally be already set but still. if self.current_pc == self._run_to_target: # Hit the location we wanted to reach return False if self.current_pc == 0: logger.error(f"PC=0, is it normal ? (stop)") return False if self.pstate.memory.segmentation_enabled: if not self.pstate.memory.has_ever_been_written(self.current_pc, CPUSIZE.BYTE): logger.error(f"Instruction not mapped: 0x{self.current_pc:x}") return False instruction = self.pstate.fetch_instruction() opcode = instruction.getOpcode() mnemonic = instruction.getType() try: # Trigger pre-address callback pre_cbs, post_cbs = self.cbm.get_address_callbacks(self.current_pc) for cb in pre_cbs: cb(self, self.pstate, self.current_pc) # Trigger pre-opcode callback pre_opcode, post_opcode = self.cbm.get_opcode_callbacks(opcode) for cb in pre_opcode: cb(self, self.pstate, opcode) # Trigger pre-mnemonic callback pre_mnemonic, post_mnemonic = self.cbm.get_mnemonic_callbacks(mnemonic) for cb in pre_mnemonic: cb(self, self.pstate, mnemonic) # Trigger pre-instruction callback pre_insts, post_insts = self.cbm.get_instruction_callbacks() for cb in pre_insts: cb(self, self.pstate, instruction) except SkipInstructionException as _: return True if self.pstate.is_syscall(): logger.warning(f"execute syscall instruction {self.pstate.read_register(self.pstate._syscall_register)}") # Process prev_pc = self.current_pc self._in_processing = True if not self.pstate.process_instruction(instruction): if self.pstate.is_halt_instruction():"hit {str(instruction)} instruction stop.") return False else: logger.error('Instruction not supported: %s' % (str(instruction))) if self.config.skip_unsupported_instruction: self.pstate.cpu.program_counter += instruction.getSize() # try to jump over the instruction else: return False # stop emulation self._in_processing = False # increment trace offset self.trace_offset += 1 # update previous program counters self.previous_pc = prev_pc self.current_pc = self.pstate.cpu.program_counter # current_pc becomes new instruction pointer # Update the coverage of the execution self.coverage.add_covered_address(self.previous_pc) # Update coverage send it the last PathConstraint object if one was added if self.pstate.is_path_predicate_updated(): path_constraint = self.pstate.last_branch_constraint if path_constraint.isMultipleBranches(): branches = path_constraint.getBranchConstraints() if len(branches) != 2: logger.error("Branching condition has more than two branches") taken, not_taken = branches if branches[0]['isTaken'] else branches[::-1] taken_addr, not_taken_addr = taken['dstAddr'], not_taken['dstAddr'] for cb in self.cbm.get_on_branch_covered_callback(): cb(self, self.pstate, (self.previous_pc, taken_addr)) self.coverage.add_covered_branch(self.previous_pc, taken_addr, not_taken_addr) else: # It is normally a dynamic jump or symbolic memory read/write cmt = path_constraint.getComment() if cmt.startswith("sym-read") or cmt.startswith("sym-write"): pass # NOTE: At the moment it does not seem suitable to count r/w pointers # as part of the coverage. So does not have an influence on covered/not_covered. else: logger.warning(f"New dynamic jump covered at: {self.previous_pc:08x}") path_constraint.setComment(f"dyn-jmp:{self.trace_offset}:{self.previous_pc}") self.coverage.add_covered_dynamic_branch(self.previous_pc, self.current_pc) # Trigger post-opcode callback for cb in post_opcode: cb(self, self.pstate, opcode) # Trigger post-mnemonic callback for cb in post_mnemonic: cb(self, self.pstate, mnemonic) # Trigger post-instruction callback for cb in post_insts: cb(self, self.pstate, instruction) # Trigger post-address callbacks for cb in post_cbs: cb(self, self.pstate, self.previous_pc) # Simulate routines try: self._routines_handler(instruction) except AllocatorException as e:'An exception has been raised: {e}') self.seed.status = SeedStatus.CRASH return False # Check timeout of the execution if self.config.execution_timeout and (time.time() - self.start_time) >= self.config.execution_timeout:'Timeout of an execution reached') self.seed.status = SeedStatus.HANG return False return True except AbortExecutionException: return False except MemoryAccessViolation as e: logger.warning(f"Memory violation: {str(e)}") # Call all the callbacks on the memory violations for cb in self.callback_manager.get_memory_violation_callbacks(): cb(self, self.pstate, e) # Assign the seed the status of crash if not self.seed.is_status_set(): self.seed.status = SeedStatus.CRASH return False except ProbeException: return False except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Execution interrupted: {e}") self.seed.status = SeedStatus.FAIL return False
def __handle_external_return(self, routine_name: str, ret_val: Optional[Union[int, Expression]]) -> None: """ Symbolize or concretize return values of external functions """ if ret_val is not None: reg = self.pstate.return_register if isinstance(ret_val, int): # Write its concrete value self.pstate.write_register(reg, ret_val) else: # It should be a logic expression self.pstate.write_symbolic_register(reg, ret_val, f"(routine {routine_name}") def _routines_handler(self, instruction: Instruction): """ This function handle external routines calls. When the .plt jmp on an external address, we call the appropriate Python routine and set up the returned value which may be concrete or symbolic. :param instruction: The current instruction executed :return: None """ pc = self.pstate.cpu.program_counter if pc in self.rtn_table: routine_name, routine = self.rtn_table[pc] logger.debug(f"Enter external routine: {routine_name}") # Trigger pre-address callback pre_cbs, post_cbs = self.cbm.get_imported_routine_callbacks(routine_name) ret_val = None for cb in pre_cbs: ret = cb(self, self.pstate, routine_name, pc) if ret is not None: # if the callback return a value the function behavior will be skipped ret_val = ret break # Set the ret val and break if ret_val is None: # If no ret_val has been set by any callback function call the supported routine # Emulate the routine and the return value ret_val = routine(self, self.pstate) self.__handle_external_return(routine_name, ret_val) # Trigger post-address callbacks for cb in post_cbs: cb(self, self.pstate, routine_name, pc) # Do not continue the execution if we are in a locked mutex if self.pstate.mutex_locked: self.pstate.mutex_locked = False self.pstate.cpu.program_counter = instruction.getAddress() # It's locked, so switch to another thread self.pstate.current_thread.count = self.config.thread_scheduling+1 return # Do not continue the execution if we are in a locked semaphore if self.pstate.semaphore_locked: self.pstate.semaphore_locked = False self.pstate.cpu.program_counter = instruction.getAddress() # It's locked, so switch to another thread self.pstate.current_thread.count = self.config.thread_scheduling+1 return if self.pstate.architecture == Architecture.AARCH64: # Get the return address ret_addr = self.pstate.read_register('x30') elif self.pstate.architecture in [Architecture.X86, Architecture.X86_64]: # Get the return address and restore RSP (simulate RET) ret_addr = self.pstate.pop_stack_value() else: raise Exception("Architecture not supported") # Hijack RIP to skip the call self.pstate.cpu.program_counter = ret_addr def _map_dynamic_symbols(self) -> None: """ Apply dynamic relocations of imported functions and imported symbols regardless of the architecture or executable format .. FIXME: This function does not apply all possible relocations :return: None """ def default_stub(se: 'SymbolicExecutor', pstate: ProcessState): rtn_name, _ = se.rtn_table[pstate.cpu.program_counter] logger.warning(f"calling {rtn_name} which is unsupported") if se.config.skip_unsupported_import: return None # Like if function did nothing else: raise AbortExecutionException('Execution aborted') for symbol, (addr, is_func) in self.pstate.dynamic_symbol_table.items(): if symbol in SUPPORTED_ROUTINES: # if the routine name is supported # Add link to the routine and got tables self.rtn_table[addr] = (symbol, SUPPORTED_ROUTINES[symbol]) elif symbol in SUPORTED_GVARIABLES: # if self.pstate.architecture == Architecture.X86_64: self.pstate.memory.write_ptr(addr, SUPORTED_GVARIABLES[symbol]) # write directly at addr # elif self.pstate.architecture == Architecture.AARCH64: # val = self.pstate.memory.read_ptr(addr) # self.pstate.memory.write_ptr(val, SUPORTED_GVARIABLES[symbol]) else: # the symbol is not supported if self.uid == 0: # print warning if first uid (so that it get printed once) logger.warning(f"symbol {symbol} imported but unsupported") if is_func: # Add link to a default stub function self.rtn_table[addr] = (symbol, default_stub) else: pass # do nothing on unsupported symbols
[docs] def abort(self) -> NoReturn: """ Abort the current execution. It works by raising an exception which is caught by the emulation function that takes care of returning appropriately afterward. :raise AbortExecutionException: to abort execution from anywhere """ raise AbortExecutionException('Execution aborted')
[docs] def skip_instruction(self) -> NoReturn: """ Skip the current instruction before it gets executed. It is only relevant to call it from pre-inst or pre-addr callbacks. :raise SkipInstructionException: to skip the current instruction """ raise SkipInstructionException("Skip instruction")
[docs] def stop_exploration(self) -> NoReturn: """ Function to call to stop the whole exploration of the program. It raises an exception which is caught by SymbolicExplorator. :raise StopExplorationException: to stop the exploration """ raise StopExplorationException("Stop exploration")
[docs] def emulation_init(self) -> bool: if self.pstate is None: logger.error(f"ProcessState is None (have you called \"load\"?") return False self.start_time = time.time() # Configure memory segmentation using configuration self.pstate.memory.set_segmentation(self.config.memory_segmentation) if self.config.memory_segmentation: self.cbm.register_memory_read_callback(self._mem_accesses_callback) self.cbm.register_memory_write_callback(self._mem_accesses_callback) # Register memory callbacks in case we activated covering mem access if BranchSolvingStrategy.COVER_SYM_READ in self.config.branch_solving_strategy: self.cbm.register_memory_read_callback(self._symbolic_mem_callback) if BranchSolvingStrategy.COVER_SYM_WRITE in self.config.branch_solving_strategy: self.cbm.register_memory_write_callback(self._symbolic_mem_callback) # bind dbm callbacks on the process state (newly initialized) self.cbm.bind_to(self) # bind call # Let's emulate the binary from the entry point'Starting emulation') # Get pre/post callbacks on execution pre_cb, post_cb = self.cbm.get_execution_callbacks() # Iterate through all pre exec callbacks for cb in pre_cb: cb(self, self.pstate) # Call it here to make sure in case of "load_process" the use has properly instantiated the architecture self._configure_pstate() return True
[docs] def run(self, stop_at: Addr = None) -> None: """ Execute the program. If the :py:attr:`tritondse.Config.execution_timeout` is not set the execution might hang forever if the program does. :param stop_at: Address where to stop (if necessary) :return: None """ if stop_at: self._run_to_target = stop_at # Call init steps if not self.emulation_init(): return # Run until reaching a stopping condition self.emulate() # Call termination steps self.emulation_deinit()
[docs] def emulation_deinit(self): _, post_cb = self.cbm.get_execution_callbacks() # Iterate through post exec callbacks for cb in post_cb: cb(self, self.pstate) self.end_time = time.time() # IMPORTANT The next call is necessary otherwise there is a memory # leak issues. # Unbind callbacks from the current symbolic executor instance. self.cbm.unbind() # NOTE Unregister callbacks registered at the beginning of the function. # This is necessary because we currently have a circular dependency # between this class and the callback manager. Note that we create # that circular dependency indirectly when we set the callback to # a method of this class (_mem_accesses_callback and # _symbolic_mem_callback). if self.config.memory_segmentation: self.cbm.unregister_callback(self._mem_accesses_callback) if BranchSolvingStrategy.COVER_SYM_READ in self.config.branch_solving_strategy: self.cbm.unregister_callback(self._symbolic_mem_callback) if BranchSolvingStrategy.COVER_SYM_WRITE in self.config.branch_solving_strategy: self.cbm.unregister_callback(self._symbolic_mem_callback)"Emulation done [ret:{self.pstate.read_register(self.pstate.return_register):x}] (time:{self.execution_time:.02f}s)")"Instructions executed: {self.coverage.total_instruction_executed} symbolic branches: {self.pstate.path_predicate_size}")"Memory usage: {self.mem_usage_str()}")
def _mem_accesses_callback(self, _: 'SymbolicExecutor', ps: ProcessState, mem: MemoryAccess, *args): """ This callback is used to ensure memory accesses performed by side-effect of instructions semantic correctly checks memory segmentation. Thus, we only do the check during the processing of an instruction. """ if ps.memory.segmentation_enabled and self._in_processing: perm = Perm.W if bool(args) else Perm.R addr = mem.getAddress() size = mem.getSize() mmap = ps.memory.get_map(addr, size) # It raises if mmap is None: raise MemoryAccessViolation(addr, perm, memory_not_mapped=True) else: if perm not in mmap.perm: raise MemoryAccessViolation(addr, perm, map_perm=mmap.perm, perm_error=True) @property def exitcode(self) -> int: """ Exit code value of the process. The value is simply the concrete value of the register marked as return_register (rax, on x86, r0 on ARM..) """ return self.pstate.read_register(self.pstate.return_register) & 0xFF
[docs] @staticmethod def mem_usage_str() -> str: """ Debug function to track memory consumption of an execution (not implemented on Windows). """ if == "posix": size, resident, shared, _, _, _, _ = (int(x) for x in open(f"/proc/{os.getpid()}/statm").read().split(" ")) resident = resident * resource.getpagesize() units = [(float(1024), "Kb"), (float(1024 ** 2), "Mb"), (float(1024 ** 3), "Gb")] for unit, s in units[::-1]: if resident / unit < 1: continue else: # We are on the right unit return "%.2f%s" % (resident/unit, s) return "%dB" % resident else: return "N/A"
[docs] def mk_new_seed_from_model(self, model: Model) -> Seed: """ Creates a new seed from the given SMT model. :param model: SMT model :return: new seed object """ def repl_bytearray(concrete, symbolic): for i, sv in enumerate(symbolic): # Enumerate symvars associated with each byte if sv is not None: if sv.getId() in model: # If solver provided a new value for the symvar value = model[sv.getId()].getValue() concrete[i] = value # Replace it in the bytearray return concrete if self.config.is_format_raw(): # RAW seed. => symbolize_stdin content = bytes(repl_bytearray(bytearray(self.seed.content), self.symbolic_seed)) elif self.config.is_format_composite(): # NOTE will have to update this if more things are added to CompositeData # Handle argv (its meant to be here) args = [bytearray(x) for x in self.seed.content.argv] new_argv = [bytes(repl_bytearray(c, s)) for c, s in zip(args, self.symbolic_seed.argv)] # Handle stdin and files # If the seed provides the content of files (#NOTE stdin is treated as a file) new_files = {} for k, c in self.seed.content.files.items(): if k in self.symbolic_seed.files: new_files[k] = bytes(repl_bytearray(bytearray(c), self.symbolic_seed.files[k])) else: new_files[k] = c # keep the current value in the seed # Handle variables, if the seed provides some new_variables = {} for k, c in self.seed.content.variables.items(): if k in self.symbolic_seed.variables: conc = bytearray(c) if isinstance(c, bytes) else [c] new_vals = repl_bytearray(conc, self.symbolic_seed.variables[k]) new_variables[k] = bytes(new_vals) if isinstance(c, bytes) else new_vals[0] # new variables are either bytes or int else: new_variables[k] = c # If it has not been injected keep the current concrete value content = CompositeData(new_argv, new_files, new_variables) else: assert False # Calling callback if user defined one new_seed = Seed(content) for cb in self.cbm.get_new_input_callback(): cont = cb(self, self.pstate, new_seed) if cont: # if the callback return a new input continue with that one new_seed = cont # Return the return new_seed
[docs] def inject_symbolic_argv_memory(self, addr: Addr, index: int, value: bytes) -> None: """ Inject the ith item of argv in memory. To be used only with composite seeds and only if seed have a symbolic argv :param addr: address where to inject the argv[ith] :param index: ith argv item :param value: value of the item """ self.pstate.memory.write(addr, value) # Write concrete bytes in memory sym_vars = self.pstate.symbolize_memory_bytes(addr, len(value), f"argv[{index}]") # Symbolize bytes self.symbolic_seed.argv[index] = sym_vars # Add symbolic variables to symbolic seed
[docs] def inject_symbolic_file_memory(self, addr: Addr, name: str, value: bytes, offset: int = 0) -> None: """ Inject a symbolic file (or part of it) in memory. :param addr: address where to inject the file bytes :param name: name of the file in the composite seed :param value: bytes content of the file :param offset: offset within the file (for partial file injection) """ self.pstate.memory.write(addr, value) # Write concrete bytes in memory sym_vars = self.pstate.symbolize_memory_bytes(addr, len(value), name, offset) # Symbolize bytes sym_seed = self.symbolic_seed.files[name] if self.seed.is_composite() else self.symbolic_seed sym_seed[offset:offset+len(value)] = sym_vars # Add symbolic variables to symbolic seed
# FIXME: Handle if reading twice same input bytes !
[docs] def inject_symbolic_variable_memory(self, addr: Addr, name: str, value: bytes, offset: int = 0) -> None: """ Inject a symbolic variable in memory. :param addr: address where to inject the variable :param name: name of the variable in the composite seed :param value: value of the variable :param offset: offset within the variable (for partial variable injection) :return: """ self.pstate.memory.write(addr, value) # Write concrete bytes in memory sym_vars = self.pstate.symbolize_memory_bytes(addr, len(value), name, offset) # Symbolize bytes self.symbolic_seed.variables[name][offset:offset+len(value)-1] = sym_vars # Add symbolic variables to symbolic seed
# FIXME: Handle if reading twice same input bytes !
[docs] def inject_symbolic_file_register(self, reg: Union[str, Register], name: str, value: int, offset: int = 0) -> None: """ Inject a symbolic file (or part of it) into a register. The value has to be an integer. The caller has add constraints to the associated symbolic expression so when a model is obtained the resulting value fits in a byte. :param reg: register identifier :param name: name of the file in the composite seed :param value: integer value :param offset: offset within the file """ if isinstance(reg, str): reg = self.pstate.tt_ctx.getRegister(reg) self.pstate.write_register(reg, value) # Write concrete value in register sym_vars = self.pstate.symbolize_register(reg, f"{name}[{offset}]") # Symbolize bytes sym_seed = self.symbolic_seed.files[name] if self.seed.is_composite() else self.symbolic_seed sym_seed[offset] = sym_vars # Add symbolic variables to symbolic seed
[docs] def inject_symbolic_variable_register(self, reg: Union[str, Register], name: str, value: int) -> None: """ Inject a symbolic variable (or part of it) in a register. The value has to be an integer. :param reg: register identifier :param name: name of the variable :param value: integer value """ if not self.seed.is_composite(): logger.warning("cannot use inject_symbolic_variable_register on raw seeds!") return if isinstance(value, int): self.pstate.write_register(reg, value) # write concrete value in register sym_var = self.pstate.symbolize_register(reg, f"{name}[{0}]") # symbolize value self.symbolic_seed.variables[name] = sym_var # add the symbolic variables to symbolic seed else: # meant to be bytes logger.warning("variable injected in registers have to be integer values")
[docs] def inject_symbolic_raw_input(self, addr: Addr, data: bytes, offset: int = 0) -> None: """ Inject the input in memory. This injection method should be used for RAW seed type. :param addr: address where to inject input. :param data: content of the seed :param offset: offset within the content of the seed. """ if self.seed.is_composite(): logger.warning("inject_symbolic_memory must not be used with composite seeds !") else: self.inject_symbolic_file_memory(addr, "input", data, offset)