Source code for tritondse.process_state

# built-ins imports
from __future__ import annotations
import io
import struct
import sys
import time
from typing import Union, Callable, Tuple, Optional, List, Dict

# third-party imports
# import z3  # For direct value enumeration
from triton import TritonContext, MemoryAccess, CALLBACK, CPUSIZE, Instruction, MODE, AST_NODE, SOLVER, EXCEPTION

# local imports
from tritondse.thread_context import ThreadContext
from tritondse.heap_allocator import HeapAllocator
from tritondse.types import Architecture, Addr, ByteSize, BitSize, PathConstraint, Register, Expression, \
                            AstNode, Registers, SolverStatus, Model, SymbolicVariable, ArchMode, Perm, FileDesc, Endian
from tritondse.arch import ARCHS, CpuState
from tritondse.loaders.loader import Loader
from tritondse.memory import Memory, MemoryAccessViolation
import tritondse.logging

logger = tritondse.logging.get('processstate')

[docs] class ProcessState(object): """ Current process state. This class keeps all the runtime related to a running process, namely current, instruction, thread, memory maps, file descriptors etc. It also wraps Triton execution and thus hold its context. At the top of this, it provides a user-friendly API to access data in both the concrete and symbolic state of Triton. """ STACK_SEG = "[stack]" EXTERN_SEG = "[extern]" def __init__(self, endianness: Endian = Endian.LITTLE, time_inc_coefficient: float = 0.0001): """ :param endianness: Endianness to consider :param time_inc_coefficient: Time coefficient to represent execution time of an instruction see: :py:attr:`tritondse.Config.time_inc_coefficient` """ # EXTERN_BASE is a "fake" memory area (not mapped) that will # which addresses will be used for external symbols self.EXTERN_FUNC_BASE = 0x01000000 # Not PLT but a dummy address space containing pointers to external symbols # This range will be dynamically allocated # upon request. self.BASE_HEAP = 0x10000000 self.END_HEAP = 0x6fffffff # The Triton's context self.tt_ctx = TritonContext() """TritonContext object""" self.actx: 'AstContext' = self.tt_ctx.getAstContext() """ Triton `AstContext <>`_ enabling crafting logical expressions to be solved by SMT """ # Cpu object wrapping registers values self.cpu: Optional[CpuState] = None #: CpuState holding concrete values of registers *(initialized when calling load)* self._archinfo = None # Memory object self.memory: Memory = Memory(self.tt_ctx, endianness) """Memory object associated with the ProcessState """ # Used to define that the process must exist self.stop = False # Signals table used by raise(), signal(), etc. # self.signals_table = dict() # Dynamic symbols name -> addr (where they are mapped) self.dynamic_symbol_table: Dict[str, Tuple[Addr, bool]] = {} """Dictionary of dynamic symbols as retrieved during the loading""" # File descriptors table used by fopen(), fprintf(), etc. self._fd_table = { 0: FileDesc(0, "stdin", sys.stdin), 1: FileDesc(1, "stdout", sys.stdout), 2: FileDesc(2, "stderr", sys.stderr), } # Unique file id incrementation self._fd_id = len(self._fd_table) # Allocation information used by malloc() self.heap_allocator: HeapAllocator = HeapAllocator(self.BASE_HEAP, self.END_HEAP, self.memory) """Allocator providing alloc, free primitives atop the Memory object""" # Unique thread id incrementation self._utid = 0 # Current thread id self._tid = self._utid # Threads contexts self._threads = { self._tid: ThreadContext(self._tid) } # Thread mutext init magic number self.PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT_MAGIC = 0xdead # Mutex and semaphore self.mutex_locked = False self.semaphore_locked = False # The time when the ProcessState is instantiated. # It's used to provide a deterministic behavior when calling functions # like gettimeofday(), clock_gettime(), etc. self.time = time.time() # Configuration values self.endianness = endianness #: Current endianness self.time_inc_coefficient = time_inc_coefficient # Runtime temporary variables self.__pcs_updated = False # The current instruction executed self.__current_inst = None # The memory mapping of the program ({vaddr_s : vaddr_e}) self.__program_segments_mapping = {} @property def threads(self) -> List[ThreadContext]: """ Gives a list of all threads currently active. :return: """ return list(self._threads.values()) @property def current_thread(self) -> ThreadContext: """ Gives the current thread selected. :return: current thread :rtype: ThreadContext """ return self._threads[self._tid]
[docs] def switch_thread(self, thread: ThreadContext) -> bool: """ Change the current thread to the one given in parameter. Thus save the current context, and restore the one of the thread given in parameter. It also resets the counter of the thread restored. If the current_thread is dead, it will also remove it ! :param thread: thread to restore ThreadContext :return: True if the switch worked fine """ assert (thread.tid in self._threads) try: if self.current_thread.is_dead(): del self._threads[self._tid] # TODO: Finding all other threads joining it / (or locked by it ?) to unlock them else: # Do a normal switch # Reset the counter and save its context # Schedule to the next thread thread.count = 0 # Reset the counter thread.restore(self.tt_ctx) self._tid = thread.tid return True except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error while doing context switch: {e}") return False
[docs] def spawn_new_thread(self, new_pc: Addr, args: Addr) -> ThreadContext: """ Create a new thread in the process state. Parameters are the new program counter and a pointer to arguments to provide the thread. :param new_pc: new program counter (function to execution) :param args: arguments :return: thread context newly created """ tid = self._get_unique_thread_id() thread = ThreadContext(tid) # Concretize pc, bp, sp, and first (argument) regs = [self.program_counter_register, self.stack_pointer_register, self.base_pointer_register, self._get_argument_register(0)] for reg in regs: if reg.getId() in thread.sregs: del thread.sregs[reg.getId()] thread.cregs[self.program_counter_register.getId()] = new_pc # set new pc thread.cregs[self._get_argument_register(0).getId()] = args # set args pointer stack = self.memory.map_from_name(self.STACK_SEG) thread.cregs[self.base_pointer_register.getId()] = ((stack.start+stack.size) - ((1 << 28) * tid)) thread.cregs[self.stack_pointer_register.getId()] = ((stack.start+stack.size) - ((1 << 28) * tid)) # Add the thread in the pool of threads self._threads[tid] = thread return thread
[docs] def set_triton_mode(self, mode: MODE, value: int = True) -> None: """ Set the given mode in the TritonContext. :param mode: mode to set in triton context :param value: value to set (default True) """ self.tt_ctx.setMode(mode, value)
[docs] def set_thumb(self, enable: bool) -> None: """ Set thumb mode activated in the TritonContext. The mode will automatically be switched during execution, but at initialization this method enable activating it / disabling it. (Disabled be default) :param enable: bool: Whether to active thumb """ self.tt_ctx.setThumb(enable)
[docs] def set_solver_timeout(self, timeout: int) -> None: """ Set the timeout for all subsequent queries. :param timeout: timeout in milliseconds """ self.tt_ctx.setSolverTimeout(timeout)
[docs] def set_solver(self, solver: Union[str, SOLVER]) -> None: """ Set the SMT solver to use in the background. :param solver: Solver to use """ if isinstance(solver, str): solver = getattr(SOLVER, solver.upper(), SOLVER.Z3) self.tt_ctx.setSolver(solver)
def _get_unique_thread_id(self) -> int: """ Return a new unique thread id. Used by thread related functions when spawning a new thread. :returns: new thread identifier """ self._utid += 1 return self._utid
[docs] def create_file_descriptor(self, name: str, file: io.IOBase) -> FileDesc: """ Create a new file descriptor out of a name. :param name: name of the file :param file: object to read from :return: FileDesc object """ new_fd_id = self._fd_id self._fd_id += 1 filedesc = FileDesc(id=new_fd_id, name=name, fd=file) self._fd_table[new_fd_id] = filedesc return filedesc
[docs] def close_file_descriptor(self, fd_id: int) -> None: """ Close the given file descriptor id. :param fd_id: id of the file descriptor :return: None """ filedesc = self._fd_table.pop(fd_id) if isinstance(filedesc.fd, io.IOBase): filedesc.fd.close()
[docs] def get_file_descriptor(self, id_: int) -> FileDesc: """ Get the given file descriptor. :raise KeyError: if the file descriptor is not found :param id_: id of the file descriptor :return: FileDesc object """ return self._fd_table[id_]
[docs] def file_descriptor_exists(self, id_: int) -> bool: """ Returns whether the file descriptor has been defined or not. :param id_: id of the file descriptor :return: True if the id is found """ return bool(id_ in self._fd_table)
@property def architecture(self) -> Architecture: """ Architecture of the current process state :return: Architecture set """ return Architecture(self.tt_ctx.getArchitecture()) @architecture.setter def architecture(self, arch: Architecture) -> None: """ Set the architecture of the process state. Internal set it in the TritonContext :param arch: Architecture to set """ self.tt_ctx.setArchitecture(arch) @property def ptr_size(self) -> ByteSize: """ Size of a pointer in bytes :rtype: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.ByteSize` """ return self.tt_ctx.getGprSize() @property def ptr_bit_size(self) -> BitSize: """ Size of a pointer in bits :rtype: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.BitSize` """ return self.tt_ctx.getGprBitSize() @property def minus_one(self) -> int: """ Value -1 according to the architecture size (32 or 64 bits) :return: -1 as an unsigned Python integer """ return (1 << self.ptr_bit_size) - 1 @property def registers(self) -> Registers: """ All registers according to the current architecture defined. The object returned is the TritonContext.register object. :rtype: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Registers` """ return self.tt_ctx.registers @property def return_register(self) -> Register: """ Return the appropriate return register according to the arch. :rtype: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Register` """ return getattr(self.registers, self._archinfo.ret_reg) @property def program_counter_register(self) -> Register: """ Return the appropriate pc register according to the arch. :rtype: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Register` """ return getattr(self.registers, self._archinfo.pc_reg) @property def base_pointer_register(self) -> Register: """ Return the appropriate base pointer register according to the arch. :rtype: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Register` """ return getattr(self.registers, self._archinfo.bp_reg) @property def stack_pointer_register(self) -> Register: """ Return the appropriate stack pointer register according to the arch. :rtype: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Register` """ return getattr(self.registers, self._archinfo.sp_reg) @property def _syscall_register(self) -> Register: """ Return the appropriate syscall id register according to the arch """ return getattr(self.registers, self._archinfo.sys_reg) def _get_argument_register(self, i: int) -> Register: """ Return the appropriate register according to the arch. :raise: IndexError If the index is out of arguments bound :return: Register """ return getattr(self.registers, self._archinfo.reg_args[i])
[docs] def initialize_context(self, arch: Architecture): """ Initialize the context with the given architecture .. todo:: Protecting that function :param arch: The architecture to initialize :type arch: Architecture :return: None """ self.architecture = arch self._archinfo = ARCHS[self.architecture] self.cpu = CpuState(self.tt_ctx, self._archinfo)
[docs] def unpack_integer(self, data: bytes, size: int) -> int: """ Unpack the given bytes into into integer value respecting size given and endianness. :param data: bytes data to unpack :param size: size in bits of data to unpack :return: integer value unpacked """ s = "<" if self.endianness == Endian.LITTLE else ">" tab = {8: 'B', 16: 'H', 32: 'I', 64: 'Q'} s += tab[size] return struct.unpack(s, data)[0]
[docs] def pack_integer(self, value: int, size: int) -> bytes: """ Unpack the given bytes into into integer value respecting size given and endianness. :param value: bytes data to unpack :param size: size in bits of data to unpack :return: integer value packed as bytes """ s = "<" if self.endianness == Endian.LITTLE else ">" tab = {8: 'B', 16: 'H', 32: 'I', 64: 'Q'} s += tab[size] return struct.pack(s, value)
[docs] def read_register(self, register: Union[str, Register]) -> int: """ Read the current concrete value of the given register. :param register: string of the register or Register object :type register: Union[str, :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Register`] :return: Integer value """ reg = getattr(self.tt_ctx.registers, register) if isinstance(register, str) else register # if str transform to reg return self.tt_ctx.getConcreteRegisterValue(reg)
[docs] def write_register(self, register: Union[str, Register], value: int) -> None: """ Read the current concrete value of the given register. :param register: string of the register or Register object :type register: Union[str, :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Register`] :param value: integer value to assign in the register :type value: int """ reg = getattr(self.tt_ctx.registers, register) if isinstance(register, str) else register # if str transform to reg return self.tt_ctx.setConcreteRegisterValue(reg, value)
[docs] def register_triton_callback(self, cb_type: CALLBACK, callback: Callable) -> None: """ Register the given ``callback`` as triton callback to hook memory/registers read/writes. :param cb_type: Callback enum type as defined by Triton :type cb_type: `CALLBACK <>`_ :param callback: routines to call on the given event """ self.tt_ctx.addCallback(cb_type, callback)
[docs] def clear_triton_callbacks(self) -> None: """ Remove all registered callbacks in triton. """ self.tt_ctx.clearCallbacks()
[docs] def is_heap_ptr(self, ptr: Addr) -> bool: """ Check whether a given address is pointing in the heap area. :param ptr: Address to check :type ptr: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Addr` :return: True if pointer points to the heap area *(allocated or not)*. """ if self.BASE_HEAP <= ptr < self.END_HEAP: return True return False
[docs] def is_syscall(self) -> bool: """ Check whether the current instruction fetched is a syscall or not. """ return bool(self.current_instruction.getType() in self._archinfo.syscall_inst)
[docs] def fetch_instruction(self, address: Addr = None, set_as_current: bool = True, disable_callbacks: bool = True) -> Instruction: """ Fetch the instruction at the given address. If no address is specified the current program counter one is used. :raise MemoryAccessViolation: If the instruction cannot be fetched in the memory. :param address: address where to get the instruction from :param set_as_current: set as the current instruction in the process state :param disable_callbacks: whether memory callbacks should be disabled to fetch memory bytes :return: instruction disassembled """ if address is None: address = self.cpu.program_counter with self.memory.without_segmentation(disable_callbacks=disable_callbacks): data =, 16) i = Instruction(address, data) i.setThreadId(self.current_thread.tid) self.tt_ctx.disassembly(i) # This needs to be done before using i.getSize() # otherwise, i.getSize() will always be 16 if self.memory.segmentation_enabled: mmap = self.memory.get_map(address, i.getSize()) if mmap is None: raise MemoryAccessViolation(address, Perm.X, memory_not_mapped=True) if Perm.X not in mmap.perm: # Note: in this model we can execute code in non-readable pages raise MemoryAccessViolation(address, Perm.X, map_perm=mmap.perm, perm_error=True) if set_as_current: self.__current_inst = i return i
[docs] def process_instruction(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool: """ Process the given triton instruction on this process state. :param instruction: Triton Instruction object :type instruction: `Instruction <>`_ :return: True if the processing of the instruction succeeded (False otherwise) """ self.__pcs_updated = False __len_pcs = self.tt_ctx.getPathPredicateSize() if not instruction.getDisassembly(): # If the instruction has not been disassembled self.tt_ctx.disassembly(instruction) self.__current_inst = instruction ret = self.tt_ctx.buildSemantics(instruction) # Simulate that the time of an executed instruction is time_inc_coefficient. # For example, if time_inc_coefficient is 0.0001, it means that an instruction # takes 100us to be executed. Used to provide a deterministic behavior when # calling time functions (e.g gettimeofday(), clock_gettime(), ...). self.time += self.time_inc_coefficient if self.tt_ctx.getPathPredicateSize() > __len_pcs: self.__pcs_updated = True return ret == EXCEPTION.NO_FAULT
@property def path_predicate_size(self) -> int: """ Get the size of the path predicate (conjunction of all branches and additional constraints added) :return: size of the predicate """ return self.tt_ctx.getPathPredicateSize()
[docs] def is_path_predicate_updated(self) -> bool: """ Return whether the path predicate has been updated """ return self.__pcs_updated
@property def last_branch_constraint(self) -> PathConstraint: """ Return the last PathConstraint object added in the path predicate. Should be called after :py:meth:`is_path_predicate_updated`. :raise IndexError: if the path predicate is empty :return: the path constraint object as returned by Triton :rtype: `PathConstraint <>`_ """ return self.tt_ctx.getPathConstraints()[-1] @property def current_instruction(self) -> Optional[Instruction]: """ The current instruction being executed. *(None if not set yet)* :rtype: Optional[`Instruction <>`_] """ return self.__current_inst
[docs] def is_register_symbolic(self, register: Union[str, Register]) -> bool: """ Check whether the register is symbolic or not. :param register: register string, or Register object :type register: Union[str, :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Register`] :return: True if the register is symbolic """ reg = getattr(self.tt_ctx.registers, register) if isinstance(register, str) else register return self.tt_ctx.getRegisterAst(reg).isSymbolized()
[docs] def read_symbolic_register(self, register: Union[str, Register]) -> Expression: """ Get the symbolic expression associated with the given register. :param register: register string, or Register object :type register: Union[str, :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Register`] :return: SymbolicExpression of the register as returned by Triton :rtype: `SymbolicExpression <>`_ """ reg = getattr(self.tt_ctx.registers, register) if isinstance(register, str) else register # if str transform to reg sym_reg = self.tt_ctx.getSymbolicRegister(reg) if sym_reg is None or reg.getBitSize() != sym_reg.getAst().getBitvectorSize(): return self.tt_ctx.newSymbolicExpression(self.tt_ctx.getRegisterAst(reg)) else: return sym_reg
[docs] def write_symbolic_register(self, register: Union[str, Register], expr: Union[AstNode, Expression], comment: str = "") -> None: """ Assign the given symbolic expression to the register. The given expression can either be an SMT AST node or directly an Expression (SymbolicExpression). :param register: register identifier (str or Register) :type register: Union[str, :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Register`] :param expr: expression to assign (`AstNode <>`_ or `SymbolicExpression <>`_) :param comment: Comment to add on the symbolic expression created :type comment: str """ reg = getattr(self.tt_ctx.registers, register) if isinstance(register, str) else register # if str transform to reg exp = expr if hasattr(expr, "getAst") else self.tt_ctx.newSymbolicExpression(expr, f"assign {reg.getName()}: {comment}") self.write_register(reg, exp.getAst().evaluate()) # Update concrete state to keep sync self.tt_ctx.assignSymbolicExpressionToRegister(exp, reg)
[docs] def read_symbolic_memory_int(self, addr: Addr, size: ByteSize) -> Expression: """ Return a new Symbolic Expression representing the whole memory range given in parameter. That function should not be used on big memory chunks. :param addr: Memory address :type addr: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Addr` :param size: memory size in bytes :type size: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.ByteSize` :raise RuntimeError: If the size is not aligned :return: Symbolic Expression associated with the memory :rtype: `SymbolicExpression <>`_ """ if size == 1: return self.read_symbolic_memory_byte(addr) elif size in [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]: ast = self.tt_ctx.getMemoryAst(MemoryAccess(addr, size)) return self.tt_ctx.newSymbolicExpression(ast) else: raise RuntimeError("size should be aligned [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64] (bytes)")
[docs] def read_symbolic_memory_byte(self, addr: Addr) -> Expression: """ Thin wrapper to retrieve the symbolic expression of a single bytes in memory. :param addr: Memory address :type addr: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Addr` :return: Symbolic Expression associated with the memory :rtype: `SymbolicExpression <>`_ """ res = self.tt_ctx.getSymbolicMemory(addr) if res is None: return self.tt_ctx.newSymbolicExpression(self.tt_ctx.getMemoryAst(MemoryAccess(addr, 1))) else: return res
[docs] def read_symbolic_memory_bytes(self, addr: Addr, size: ByteSize) -> Expression: """ Return a new Symbolic Expression representing the whole memory range given in parameter. That function should not be used on big memory chunks. :param addr: Memory address :type addr: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Addr` :param size: memory size in bytes :type size: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.ByteSize` :return: Symbolic Expression associated with the memory :rtype: `SymbolicExpression <>`_ """ if size == 1: return self.read_symbolic_memory_byte(addr) else: # Need to create a per-byte expression with concat asts = [self.tt_ctx.getMemoryAst(MemoryAccess(addr+i, CPUSIZE.BYTE)) for i in range(size)] concat_expr = self.actx.concat(asts) return self.tt_ctx.newSymbolicExpression(concat_expr)
[docs] def write_symbolic_memory_int(self, addr: Addr, size: ByteSize, expr: Union[AstNode, Expression]) -> None: """ Assign the given symbolic expression representing an integer to the given address. That function should not be used on big memory chunks. :param addr: Memory address :type addr: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Addr` :param size: memory size in bytes :type size: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.ByteSize` :param expr: expression to assign (`AstNode <>`_ or `SymbolicExpression <>`_) :raise RuntimeError: if the size is not aligned """ expr = expr if hasattr(expr, "getAst") else self.tt_ctx.newSymbolicExpression(expr, f"assign memory") if size in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]: self.tt_ctx.setConcreteMemoryValue(MemoryAccess(addr, size), expr.getAst().evaluate()) # To keep the concrete state synchronized self.tt_ctx.assignSymbolicExpressionToMemory(expr, MemoryAccess(addr, size)) else: raise RuntimeError("size should be aligned [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64] (bytes)")
[docs] def write_symbolic_memory_byte(self, addr: Addr, expr: Union[AstNode, Expression]) -> None: """ Set a single bytes symbolic at the given address .. NOTE: We purposefully not provide a way to assign in memory a symbolic expression of arbitrary size as it would imply doing many extract on the given expression. For buffer you should do it in a per-byte manner with this method. :param addr: Memory address :type addr: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Addr` :param expr: byte expression to assign (`AstNode <>`_ or `SymbolicExpression <>`_) """ expr = expr if hasattr(expr, "getAst") else self.tt_ctx.newSymbolicExpression(expr, f"assign memory") ast = expr.getAst() assert ast.getBitvectorSize() == 8 self.tt_ctx.setConcreteMemoryValue(MemoryAccess(addr, CPUSIZE.BYTE), ast.evaluate()) # Keep concrete state synced self.tt_ctx.assignSymbolicExpressionToMemory(expr, MemoryAccess(addr, CPUSIZE.BYTE))
[docs] def is_memory_symbolic(self, addr: Addr, size: ByteSize) -> bool: """ Iterate the symbolic memory and returns whether at least one byte of the buffer is symbolic :param addr: Memory address :type addr: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Addr` :param size: size of the memory range to check :type size: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.ByteSize` :return: True if at least one byte of the memory is symbolic, false otherwise """ for i in range(addr, addr+size): if self.tt_ctx.isMemorySymbolized(MemoryAccess(i, 1)): return True return False
[docs] def push_constraint(self, constraint: AstNode, comment: str = "") -> None: """ Thin wrapper on the triton context underneath to add a path constraint. :param constraint: Constraint expression to add :type constraint: `AstNode <>`_ :param comment: String comment to attach to the constraint :type comment: str """ self.tt_ctx.pushPathConstraint(constraint, comment)
[docs] def get_path_constraints(self) -> List[PathConstraint]: """ Get the list of all path constraints set in the Triton context. :return: list of constraints """ return self.tt_ctx.getPathConstraints()
[docs] def concretize_register(self, register: Union[str, Register]) -> None: """ Concretize the given register with its current concrete value. **This operation is sound** as it will also add a path constraint to enforce that the symbolic register value is equal to its concrete value. :param register: Register identifier (str or Register) :type register: Union[str, :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Register`] """ reg = getattr(self.tt_ctx.registers, register) if isinstance(register, str) else register if self.tt_ctx.isRegisterSymbolized(reg): value = self.read_register(reg) self.push_constraint(self.read_symbolic_register(reg).getAst() == value)
# Else do not even push the constraint
[docs] def concretize_memory_bytes(self, addr: Addr, size: ByteSize) -> None: """ Concretize the given memory with its current concrete value. **This operation is sound** and allows restraining the memory value to its constant value. :param addr: Address to concretize :type addr: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Addr` :param size: Size of the integer to concretize :type size: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.ByteSize` """ data =, size) if self.is_memory_symbolic(addr, size): if isinstance(data, bytes): data_ast = self.actx.concat([, 8) for b in data]) self.push_constraint(self.read_symbolic_memory_bytes(addr, size).getAst() == data_ast) else: self.push_constraint(self.read_symbolic_memory_bytes(addr, size).getAst() == data)
# else do not even push the constraint
[docs] def concretize_memory_int(self, addr: Addr, size: ByteSize) -> None: """ Concretize the given memory with its current concrete value. **This operation is sound** and allows restraining the memory value to its constant value. :param addr: Address to concretize :type addr: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Addr` :param size: Size of the integer to concretize :type size: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.ByteSize` """ value = self.memory.read_uint(addr, size) if self.tt_ctx.isMemorySymbolized(MemoryAccess(addr, size)): self.push_constraint(self.read_symbolic_memory_int(addr, size).getAst() == value)
# else do not even push the constraint
[docs] def concretize_argument(self, index: int) -> None: """ Concretize the given function parameter following the calling convention of the architecture. :param index: Argument index :type index: int """ try: self.concretize_register(self._get_argument_register(index)) except IndexError: len_args = len(self._archinfo.reg_args) addr = self.cpu.stack_pointer + self.ptr_size + ((index-len_args) * self.ptr_size) # Retrieve stack address self.concretize_memory_int(addr, self.ptr_size) # Concretize the value at this addr
[docs] def write_argument_value(self, i: int, val: int) -> None: """ Write the parameter index with the given value. It will take in account whether the argument is in a register or the stack. :param i: Ith argument of the function :param val: integer value of the parameter :return: None """ try: return self.write_register(self._get_argument_register(i), val) except IndexError: len_args = len(self._archinfo.reg_args) return self.write_stack_value(i-len_args, val, offset=1)
[docs] def get_argument_value(self, i: int) -> int: """ Get the integer value of parameters following the call convention. The value originate either from a register or the stack depending on the ith argument requested. :param i: Ith argument of the function :type i: int :return: integer value of the parameter :rtype: int """ try: return self.read_register(self._get_argument_register(i)) except IndexError: len_args = len(self._archinfo.reg_args) return self.get_stack_value(i-len_args, offset=1)
[docs] def get_argument_symbolic(self, i: int) -> Expression: """ Return the symbolic expression associated with the given ith parameter. :param i: Ith function parameter :return: Symbolic expression associated :rtype: `SymbolicExpression <>`_ """ try: return self.read_symbolic_register(self._get_argument_register(i)) except IndexError: len_args = len(self._archinfo.reg_args) addr = self.cpu.stack_pointer + ((i-len_args) * self.ptr_size) return self.read_symbolic_memory_int(addr, self.ptr_size)
[docs] def get_full_argument(self, i: int) -> Tuple[int, Expression]: """ Get both the concrete argument value along with its symbolic expression. :return: Tuple containing concrete value and symbolic expression """ return self.get_argument_value(i), self.get_argument_symbolic(i)
[docs] def get_string_argument(self, idx: int) -> str: """Read a string for which address is a function parameter. The function first get the argument value, and then dereference the string located at that address. :param idx: argument index :type idx: int :returns: memory string :rtype: str """ return self.memory.read_string(self.get_argument_value(idx))
[docs] def get_format_string(self, addr: Addr) -> str: """ Returns a formatted string in Python format from a format string located in memory at ``addr``. :param addr: Address to concretize :type addr: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Addr` :rtype: str """ return self.memory.read_string(addr) \ .replace("%s", "{}").replace("%d", "{}").replace("%#02x", "{:#02x}") \ .replace("%#x", "{:#x}").replace("%x", "{:x}").replace("%02X", "{:02X}") \ .replace("%c", "{:c}").replace("%02x", "{:02x}").replace("%ld", "{}") \ .replace("%*s", "").replace("%lX", "{:X}").replace("%08x", "{:08x}") \ .replace("%u", "{}").replace("%lu", "{}").replace("%zu", "{}") \ .replace("%02u", "{:02d}").replace("%03u", "{:03d}") \ .replace("%03d", "{:03d}").replace("%p", "{:#x}").replace("%i", "{}")
[docs] def get_format_arguments(self, fmt_addr: Addr, args: List[int]) -> List[Union[int, str]]: """ Read the format string at ``fmt_addr``. For each format item which are strings, dereference that associated string and replaces it in ``args``. :param fmt_addr: Address to concretize :type fmt_addr: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Addr` :param args: Parameters associated with the format string :type args: List[int] :rtype: List[Union[int, str]] """ # FIXME: Modifies inplace args (which is not very nice) s_str = self.memory.read_string(fmt_addr) post_string = [i for i, x in enumerate([i for i, c in enumerate(s_str) if c == '%']) if s_str[x+1] == "s"] for p in post_string: args[p] = self.memory.read_string(args[p]) args[p] = args[p].encode("latin-1").decode(errors='replace') return args
[docs] def get_stack_value(self, index: int, offset: int = 0) -> int: """ Returns the value at the ith position further in the stack :param index: The index position from the top of the stack :type index: int :param offset: An integer value offset to apply to stack address :type offset: int :return: the value got :return: the value got :rtype: int """ addr = self.cpu.stack_pointer + (offset * self.ptr_size) + (index * self.ptr_size) return self.memory.read_uint(addr, self.ptr_size)
[docs] def write_stack_value(self, index: int, value: int, offset: int = 0) -> None: """ Write the given value on the stack at the given index relative to the current stack pointer. The index value can be positive to write further down the stack or negative to write upward. :param index: The index position from the top of the stack :type index: int :param value: Integer value to write on the stack :type value: int :param offset: Add an optional ith item offset to add to stack value (not a size) :type offset: int :return: the value got :rtype: int """ addr = self.cpu.stack_pointer + (offset * self.ptr_size) + (index * self.ptr_size) self.memory.write_int(addr, value, self.ptr_size)
[docs] def pop_stack_value(self) -> int: """ Pop a stack value, and the re-increment the stack pointer value. This operation is fully concrete. :return: int """ val = self.memory.read_ptr(self.cpu.stack_pointer) self.cpu.stack_pointer += self.ptr_size return val
[docs] def push_stack_value(self, value: int) -> None: """ Push a stack value. It then decreases the stack pointer value. :param value: The value to push """ self.memory.write_ptr(self.cpu.stack_pointer-self.ptr_size, value) self.cpu.stack_pointer -= self.ptr_size
[docs] def is_halt_instruction(self) -> bool: """ Check if the current instruction is corresponding to an 'halt' instruction in the target architecture. :returns: Return true if on halt instruction architecture independent """ halt_opc = self._archinfo.halt_inst return self.__current_inst.getType() == halt_opc
[docs] def solve(self, constraint: Union[AstNode, List[AstNode]], with_pp: bool = True) -> Tuple[SolverStatus, Model]: """ Solve the given constraint one the current symbolic state and returns both a Solver status and a model. If not SAT the model returned is empty. Argument ``with_pp`` enables checking the constraint taking in account the path predicate. :param constraint: AstNode or list of AstNodes constraints to solve :param with_pp: whether to take in account path predicate :return: tuple of status and model """ if with_pp: cst = constraint if isinstance(constraint, list) else [constraint] final_cst =[self.tt_ctx.getPathPredicate()]+cst) else: final_cst = if isinstance(constraint, list) else constraint model, status, _ = self.tt_ctx.getModel(final_cst, status=True) return SolverStatus(status), model
[docs] def solve_no_pp(self, constraint: Union[AstNode, List[AstNode]]) -> Tuple[SolverStatus, Model]: """ Helper function that solve a constraint forcing not to use the path predicate. .. warning:: Solving a query without the path predicate gives theoretically unsound results. :param constraint: AstNode constraint to solve :return: tuple of status and model """ return self.solve(constraint, with_pp=False)
[docs] def symbolize_register(self, register: Union[str, Register], alias: str = None) -> SymbolicVariable: """ Symbolize the given register. This a proxy for the symbolizeRegister Triton function. :param register: string of the register or Register object :type register: Union[str, :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Register`] :param alias: alias name to give to the symbolic variable :type alias: str :return: Triton Symbolic variable created """ reg = getattr(self.tt_ctx.registers, register) if isinstance(register, str) else register # if str get reg if alias: var = self.tt_ctx.symbolizeRegister(reg, alias) else: var = self.tt_ctx.symbolizeRegister(reg) return var
[docs] def symbolize_memory_byte(self, addr: Addr, alias: str = None) -> SymbolicVariable: """ Symbolize the given memory cell. Returns the associated SymbolicVariable :param addr: Address to symbolize :type addr: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Addr` :param alias: alias to give the variable :return: newly created symbolic variable :rtype: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.SymbolicVariable` """ if alias: return self.tt_ctx.symbolizeMemory(MemoryAccess(addr, CPUSIZE.BYTE), alias) else: return self.tt_ctx.symbolizeMemory(MemoryAccess(addr, CPUSIZE.BYTE))
[docs] def symbolize_memory_bytes(self, addr: Addr, size: ByteSize, alias_prefix: str = None, offset: int = 0) -> List[SymbolicVariable]: """ Symbolize a range of memory addresses. Can optionally provide an alias prefix. :param addr: Address at which to read data :type addr: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Addr` :param size: Number of bytes to symbolize :type size: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.ByteSize` :param alias_prefix: prefix name to give the variable :type alias_prefix: str :param offset: offset of the alias prefix :type offset: int :return: list of Symbolic variables created :rtype: List[:py:obj:`tritondse.types.SymbolicVariable`] """ if alias_prefix: return [self.symbolize_memory_byte(addr+i, alias_prefix+f"[{i+offset}]") for i in range(size)] else: return [self.symbolize_memory_byte(addr+i) for i in range(size)]
[docs] def get_expression_variable_values_model(self, exp: Union[AstNode, Expression], model: Model) -> Dict[SymbolicVariable: int]: """ Given a symbolic expression and a model, returns the valuation of all variables involved in the expression. :param exp: Symbolic Expression to look into :param model: Model generated by the solver :return: dictionary of symbolic variables and their associated value (as int) """ ast = exp.getAst() if hasattr(exp, "getAst") else exp ast_vars =, AST_NODE.VARIABLE) sym_vars = [x.getSymbolicVariable() for x in ast_vars] final_dict = {} for avar, svar in zip(ast_vars, sym_vars): if svar.getId() in model: final_dict[svar] = model[svar.getId()].getValue() else: final_dict[svar] = avar.evaluate() return final_dict
[docs] def evaluate_expression_model(self, exp: Union[AstNode, Expression], model: Model) -> int: """ Evaluate the given expression on the given model. The value returned is the integer value corresponding to the bitvector evaluation of the expression. :param exp: Symbolic Expression to evaluate :param model: Model generated by the solver :return: result of the evaluation """ ast = exp.getAst() if hasattr(exp, "getAst") else exp variables = self.get_expression_variable_values_model(ast, model) backup = {} for var, value in variables.items(): backup[var] = self.tt_ctx.getConcreteVariableValue(var) self.tt_ctx.setConcreteVariableValue(var, value) final_value = ast.evaluate() for var in variables.keys(): self.tt_ctx.setConcreteVariableValue(var, backup[var]) return final_value
# def enumerate_expression_value(self, exp: Union[AstNode, Expression], constraints: List[AstNode], values_blacklist: List[int], limit: int): # # Written for when it will work # solver = z3.SolverFor("QF_BV") # ast = exp.getAst() if hasattr(exp, "getAst") else exp # z3ast = self.actx.tritonToZ3(ast) # # solver.add([self.actx.tritonToZ3(x) for x in constraints]) # solver.add([z3ast != x for x in values_blacklist]) # # values = [] # retrieved values # # while limit: # res = solver.check() # if res == z3.sat: # model = solver.model() # new_val = model.eval(z3ast) # values.append(new_val) # solver.add(z3ast != new_val) # else: # return values # limit -= 1 # return values
[docs] def solve_enumerate_expression(self, exp: Union[AstNode, Expression], constraints: List[AstNode], values_blacklist: List[int], limit: int) -> List[Tuple[Model, int]]: # Written for when it will work ast = exp.getAst() if hasattr(exp, "getAst") else exp constraint = + [ast != x for x in values_blacklist]) result = [] while limit: status, model = self.solve(constraint, with_pp=False) if status == SolverStatus.SAT: new_val = self.evaluate_expression_model(ast, model) result.append((model, new_val)) constraint =[constraint, ast != new_val]) else: return result limit -= 1 return result
[docs] @staticmethod def from_loader(loader: Loader) -> 'ProcessState': pstate = ProcessState(loader.endianness) # Initialize the architecture of the process state pstate.initialize_context(loader.architecture) # Set the program counter to points to entrypoint pstate.cpu.program_counter = loader.entry_point # Disable segmentation to map segments with pstate.memory.without_segmentation(): # Load memory areas in memory for i, seg in enumerate(loader.memory_segments()): if not seg.size and not seg.content: logger.warning(f"A segment have to provide either a size or a content {} (skipped)") continue size = len(seg.content) if seg.content else seg.size logger.debug(f"Loading 0x{seg.address:#08x} - {seg.address+size:#08x} size={size:#x}"), size, seg.perms, if seg.content: pstate.memory.write(seg.address, seg.content) # Apply dynamic relocations cur_linkage_address = pstate.EXTERN_FUNC_BASE # Disable segmentation with pstate.memory.without_segmentation(): # Link imported functions in EXTERN_FUNC_BASE for fname, rel_addr in loader.imported_functions_relocations(): logger.debug(f"Hooking {fname} at {rel_addr:#x}") # If we already linked this function (because another library uses it) we reuse the same # linkage address. if fname in pstate.dynamic_symbol_table: (linkage_address, _) = pstate.dynamic_symbol_table[fname] logger.debug(f"Already added. {fname} at {rel_addr:#x} linkage_addr={linkage_address:#x}") pstate.memory.write_ptr(rel_addr, linkage_address) else: # Add symbol in dynamic_symbol_table pstate.dynamic_symbol_table[fname] = (cur_linkage_address, True) # Apply relocation to our custom address in process memory pstate.memory.write_ptr(rel_addr, cur_linkage_address) # Increment linkage address number cur_linkage_address += pstate.ptr_size # Try initializing stack registers if a stack is present in maps # Map the stack try: stack = pstate.memory.map_from_name(pstate.STACK_SEG) alloc = 1 * pstate.ptr_size pstate.write_register(pstate.base_pointer_register, stack.start+stack.size-alloc) # Pointing right-out of the stack pstate.write_register(pstate.stack_pointer_register, stack.start+stack.size-alloc) except AssertionError: logger.warning("no stack segment has been created by the loader") # Search for a map to settle foreign symbols segs = pstate.memory.find_map(pstate.EXTERN_SEG) if segs: symb_base = segs[0].start # Link imported symbols for sname, rel_addr in loader.imported_variable_symbols_relocations(): logger.debug(f"Hooking {sname} at {rel_addr:#x}") if pstate.architecture == Architecture.X86_64: # HACK: Keep rel_addr to directly write symbol on it # Add symbol in dynamic_symbol_table pstate.dynamic_symbol_table[sname] = (rel_addr, False) # pstate.memory.write_ptr(rel_addr, cur_linkage_address) # Do not write anything as symbolic executor will do it else: # Add symbol in dynamic_symbol_table pstate.dynamic_symbol_table[sname] = (symb_base, False) pstate.memory.write_ptr(rel_addr, symb_base) symb_base += pstate.ptr_size for reg_name in pstate.cpu: if reg_name in loader.cpustate: setattr(pstate.cpu, reg_name, loader.cpustate[reg_name]) if loader.arch_mode: # If the processor's mode is provided if loader.arch_mode == ArchMode.THUMB: pstate.set_thumb(True) return pstate