Source code for tritondse.loaders.quokkaprogram

# Built-in imports
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union, Generator, Tuple, Optional, Any, List

# third-party imports
import quokka
import networkx
import lief

# local imports
from tritondse.loaders import Program, LoadableSegment
from tritondse.coverage import CoverageSingleRun
from tritondse.types import Addr, Architecture, Platform, Endian, Format

[docs] class QuokkaProgram(quokka.Program): def __init__(self, export_file: Union[Path, str], exec_path: Union[Path, str]): super(QuokkaProgram, self).__init__(export_file, exec_path) self.program = Program(self.executable.exec_file.as_posix())
[docs] def get_call_graph(self, backedge_on_ret=False) -> networkx.DiGraph: """ Compute the call graph of the program. :param backedge_on_ret: if true, add a back edge to represent the "return" :return: call graph as a digraph """ g = networkx.DiGraph() for fun in self.values(): g.add_edges_from((fun.start, x.start) for x in fun.calls) if backedge_on_ret: # Add return edge g.add_edges_from((x.start, fun.start) for x in fun.calls) return g
[docs] @staticmethod def get_slice(graph: networkx.DiGraph, frm: Any, to: Any) -> networkx.DiGraph: """ Compute the slice between the two nodes on the given graph. The slice is the intersection of reachable node (of ``frm``) and ancestors of ``to``. The result is a subgraph of the original graph. :param graph: Graph on which to compute the slice :param frm: node identifier :param to: node identifier :return: sub graph """ succs = networkx.descendants(graph, frm) preds = networkx.ancestors(graph, to) return graph.subgraph(succs.intersection(preds).union({frm, to}))
[docs] def merge(self, coverage: CoverageSingleRun): # TODO: To implement raise NotImplementedError
def __repr__(self): return f"<{} funs:{len(self)}>"
[docs] def get_caller_instructions(self, target: quokka.Function) -> List[int]: """Get the list of instructions calling `target` """ # Get the first instruction of the target first_inst = target.get_instruction(target.start) assert first_inst is not None # Reference holder ref = target.program.references caller_instructions = [] for reference in ref.resolve_inst_instance(first_inst.inst_tuple, quokka.types.ReferenceType.CALL, towards=True): _, block, offset = reference.source inst = list(block.instructions)[offset] caller_instructions.append(inst.address) return caller_instructions
# ============== Methods for interoperability with Program object ============== @property def path(self) -> Path: return self.program.path @path.setter def path(self, path: Path) -> None: self.program.path = path @property def entry_point(self) -> Addr: return self.program.entry_point @property def architecture(self) -> Architecture: return self.program.architecture @property def platform(self) -> Platform: return self.program.platform @property def endianness(self) -> Endian: return self.program.endianness @property def format(self) -> Format: return self._format_mapper[self.program.format] @property def relocation_enum(self): return self.program.relocation_enum
[docs] def memory_segments(self) -> Generator[LoadableSegment, None, None]: return self.program.memory_segments()
[docs] def imported_functions_relocations(self) -> Generator[Tuple[str, Addr], None, None]: return self.program.imported_functions_relocations()
[docs] def imported_variable_symbols_relocations(self) -> Generator[Tuple[str, Addr], None, None]: return self.program.imported_variable_symbols_relocations()
[docs] def find_function_addr(self, name: str) -> Optional[Addr]: return self.program.find_function_addr(name)
[docs] def find_function_from_addr(self, address: Addr) -> Optional[quokka.function.Function]: for f in self.values(): if f.in_func(address): return f