# built-in imports
from __future__ import annotations
import hashlib
import struct
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Generator, Tuple, Set, Union, Dict, Optional
from collections import Counter
from enum import IntFlag, Enum, auto
import pickle
import enum_tools.documentation
# third-party imports
from triton import AST_NODE
# local imports
from tritondse.types import Addr, PathConstraint, PathBranch, SolverStatus, PathHash, Edge, SymExType
import tritondse.logging
logger = tritondse.logging.get('coverage')
CovItem = Union[Addr, Edge, PathHash, Tuple[PathHash, Edge]]
Variant type representing a coverage item.
It can be:
* an address :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Addr` for block coverage
* an edge :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Edge` for edge coverage
* a string :py:obj:`tritondse.types.PathHash` for path coverage
* a tuple of both a Pathhash and an edge
class CoverageStrategy(str, Enum):
Coverage strategy (metric) enum.
This enum will change whether a given branch have
to be solved or not.
BLOCK = "block" # doc: block coverage, only tracks new basic blocks covered
EDGE = "edge" # doc: edge coverage, tracks CFGs edges covered
PATH = "path" # doc: tracks any new path covered
PREFIXED_EDGE = "PREFIXED_EDGE" # doc: edge coverage but also taking in account path prefix
class BranchSolvingStrategy(IntFlag):
Branch strategy enumerate.
It defines the manner with which branches are checked with SMT
on a single trace, namely a :py:obj:`CoverageSingleRun`. For a
given branch that has not been covered strategies are:
* ``ALL_NOT_COVERED``: check by SMT all occurrences
* ``FIRST_LAST_NOT_COVERED``: check only the first and last occurrence in the trace
ALL_NOT_COVERED = auto() # doc: check by SMT all occurrences of a given branch (true by default)
FIRST_LAST_NOT_COVERED = auto() # doc: check by SMT the first and last occurrence of a given branch
UNSAT_ONCE = auto() # doc: if a branch is UNSAT do not try solving it again
TIMEOUT_ONCE = auto() # doc: if a branch is TIMEOUT do not try solving it again
TIMEOUT_ALWAYS = auto() # doc: always try solving again a TIMEOUT branch (incompatible with :py:enum:mem:`TIMEOUT_ONCE`)
COVER_SYM_DYNJUMP = auto() # doc: try covering dynamic jumps on a symbolic register or memory value
COVER_SYM_READ = auto() # doc: try enumerating values for symbolic reads
COVER_SYM_WRITE = auto() # doc: try enumerating values for symbolic writes
SOUND_MEM_ACCESS = auto() # doc: enables adding a constraint when using a symbolic read/write or jump
MANUAL = auto() # doc: disable automatic branch solving after an execution (has to be done manually in callbacks)
class CoverageSingleRun(object):
Coverage produced by a **Single Execution**
Depending on the strategy given to the constructor
it stores different data.
def __init__(self, strategy: CoverageStrategy):
:param strategy: Strategy to employ
:type strategy: CoverageStrategy
self.strategy: CoverageStrategy = strategy #: Coverage strategy
# For instruction coverage
self.covered_instructions: Dict[Addr, int] = Counter()
""" Instruction coverage. Counter for code coverage) """
self.covered_items: Dict[CovItem, int] = Counter()
""" Stores covered items whatever they are """
self.not_covered_items: Set[CovItem] = set()
self._not_covered_items_mirror: Dict[CovItem, List[str]] = {} # solely used for prefixed-edge
""" CovItems not covered in the trace. It thus represent what can be
covered by the trace (input). We call it coverage objectives."""
# For path coverage
self._current_path: List[Addr] = []
""" List of addresses forming the path currently being taken """
self._current_path_hash = hashlib.md5()
def add_covered_address(self, address: Addr) -> None:
Add an instruction address covered.
*(Called by :py:obj:`SymbolicExecutor` for each
instruction executed)*
:param address: The address of the instruction
:type address: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Addr`
self.covered_instructions[address] += 1
def add_covered_dynamic_branch(self, source: Addr, target: Addr) -> None:
Add a dynamic branch covered. The branch will be encoded according to the
coverage strategy.
:param source: Address of the dynamic jump
:param target: Target address on which the jump is performed
if self.strategy == CoverageStrategy.BLOCK:
pass # Target address will be covered anyway
if self.strategy == CoverageStrategy.EDGE:
self.covered_items[(source, target)] += 1
self.not_covered_items.discard((source, target)) # Remove it from non-taken if it was inside
if self.strategy == CoverageStrategy.PATH:
self._current_path_hash.update(struct.pack("<Q", target))
self.covered_items[self._current_path_hash.hexdigest()] += 1
if self.strategy == CoverageStrategy.PREFIXED_EDGE:
# Add covered as covered
self.covered_items[("", (source, target))] += 1
# update the current path hash etc
self._current_path_hash.update(struct.pack("<Q", target))
def add_covered_branch(self, program_counter: Addr, taken_addr: Addr, not_taken_addr: Addr) -> None:
Add a branch to our covered branches list. Each branch is encoded according
to the coverage strategy. For code coverage, the branch encoding is the
address of the instruction. For edge coverage, the branch encoding is the
tupe (src address, dst address). For path coverage, the branch encoding
is the MD5 of the conjunction of all taken branch addresses.
:param program_counter: The address taken in by the branch
:type program_counter: :py:obj:`tritondse.types.Addr`
:param taken_addr: Target address of branch taken
:type taken_addr: Addr
:param not_taken_addr: Target address of branch **not** taken
:type not_taken_addr: Addr
if self.strategy == CoverageStrategy.BLOCK:
self.covered_items[taken_addr] += 1
self.not_covered_items.discard(taken_addr) # remove address from non-covered if inside
if not_taken_addr not in self.covered_items: # Keep the address that has not been covered (and could have)
if self.strategy == CoverageStrategy.EDGE:
taken_tuple, not_taken_tuple = (program_counter, taken_addr), (program_counter, not_taken_addr)
self.covered_items[taken_tuple] += 1
self.not_covered_items.discard(taken_tuple) # Remove it from non-taken if it was inside
if not_taken_tuple not in self.covered_items: # Add the not taken tuple in non-covered
if self.strategy == CoverageStrategy.PATH:
# Compute the hash of the not taken path and add it to non-covered paths
not_taken_path_hash = self._current_path_hash.copy()
not_taken_path_hash.update(struct.pack('<Q', not_taken_addr))
# Update the current path hash and add it to hashes
self._current_path_hash.update(struct.pack("<Q", taken_addr))
self.covered_items[self._current_path_hash.hexdigest()] += 1
if self.strategy == CoverageStrategy.PREFIXED_EDGE:
taken_tuple, not_taken_tuple = (program_counter, taken_addr), (program_counter, not_taken_addr)
_, not_taken = (self._current_path_hash.hexdigest(), taken_tuple), (self._current_path_hash.hexdigest(), not_taken_tuple)
gtaken, gnot_taken = ("", taken_tuple), ("", not_taken_tuple)
# Add covered as covered
self.covered_items[gtaken] += 1
# Find all items in not_covered that have this edge
if taken_tuple in self._not_covered_items_mirror: # if a not_covered match this edge
for prefix in self._not_covered_items_mirror[taken_tuple]: # iterate all the prefixes
self.not_covered_items.discard((prefix, taken_tuple)) # and discard them
self._not_covered_items_mirror.pop(taken_tuple) # finally discard the entry
# look if not_taken edge not in covered
if gnot_taken not in self.covered_items:
if not_taken[1] not in self._not_covered_items_mirror:
self._not_covered_items_mirror[not_taken[1]] = [not_taken[0]]
# update the current path hash etc
self._current_path_hash.update(struct.pack("<Q", taken_addr))
def unique_instruction_covered(self) -> int:
:return: The number of unique instructions covered
return len(self.covered_instructions)
def unique_covitem_covered(self) -> int:
:return: The number of unique edges covered
return len(self.covered_items)
def total_instruction_executed(self) -> int:
:return: The number of total instruction executed
return sum(self.covered_instructions.values())
def post_execution(self) -> None:
Function is called after each execution
for post-processing or clean-up. *(Not
doing anything at the moment)*
def is_covered(self, item: CovItem) -> bool:
Return whether the item has been covered or not.
**The item should match the strategy**
:param item: An address, an edge or a path
:type item: CovItem
:return: bool
if self.strategy == CoverageStrategy.PREFIXED_EDGE:
return ('', item[1]) in self.covered_items
except TypeError: # in case of ellipsis
return False
return item in self.covered_items
def pp_item(self, covitem: CovItem) -> str:
Pretty print a CovItem according the coverage strategy
:param covitem: An address, an edge or a path
:return: str
if self.strategy == CoverageStrategy.BLOCK:
return f"0x{covitem:08x}"
elif self.strategy == CoverageStrategy.EDGE:
return f"(0x{covitem[0]:08x}-0x{covitem[1]:08x})"
elif self.strategy == CoverageStrategy.PATH:
return covitem[:10] # already a hash str
elif self.strategy == CoverageStrategy.PREFIXED_EDGE:
return f"({covitem[0][:6]}_0x{covitem[1][0]:08x}-0x{covitem[1][1]:08x})"
def difference(self, other: CoverageSingleRun) -> Set[CovItem]:
if self.strategy == other.strategy:
return self.covered_items.keys() - other.covered_items.keys()
logger.error("Trying to make difference of coverage with different strategies")
return set()
def __sub__(self, other) -> Set[CovItem]:
return self.difference(other)
class GlobalCoverage(CoverageSingleRun):
Global Coverage.
Represent the overall coverage of the exploration.
It is filled by iteratively call merge with the
:py:obj:`CoverageSingleRun` objects created during
COVERAGE_FILE = "coverage.json"
def __init__(self, strategy: CoverageStrategy, branch_strategy: BranchSolvingStrategy):
:param strategy: Coverage strategy to use
:type strategy: CoverageStrategy
:param branch_strategy: Branch checking strategies
:type branch_strategy: BranchSolvingStrategy
self.branch_strategy = branch_strategy
# Keep pending items to be covered (code, edge, path)
self.pending_coverage: Set[CovItem] = set()
""" Set of pending coverage items. These are items for which a branch
as already been solved and
self.uncoverable_items: Dict[CovItem, SolverStatus] = {}
""" CovItems that are determined not to be coverable. """
self.covered_symbolic_pointers: Set[Addr] = set()
""" Set of addresses for which pointers have been enumerated """
def iter_new_paths(self, path_constraints: List[PathConstraint]) -> Generator[Tuple[SymExType, List[PathConstraint], PathBranch, CovItem, int], Optional[SolverStatus], None]:
The function iterate the given path predicate and yield PatchConstraint to
consider as-is and PathBranch representing the new branch to take. It acts
as a black-box so that the SeedManager does not have to know what strategy
is being used under the hood. From an implementation perspective the goal
of the function is to manipulate the path WITHOUT doing any SMT related things.
:param path_constraints: list of path constraint to iterate
:return: generator of path constraint and branches to solve. The first tuple
item is a list of PathConstraint to add in the path predicate and the second
is the branch to solve (but not to keep in path predicate)
if BranchSolvingStrategy.MANUAL in self.branch_strategy:
logger.info(f'Branch solving strategy set to MANUAL.')
pending_csts = []
current_hash = hashlib.md5() # Current path hash for PATH coverage
# NOTE: When we arrive here the CoverageSingleRun associated with the path_constraints
# has already been merge. Thus covered, pending etc. do include ones of the CoverageSingleRuns
not_covered_items = self._get_items_trace(path_constraints) # Map of CovItem -> [idx1, idx2, ..., .] (occurrence in list)
# is_ok_with_branch_strategy = lambda covitem, idx: True if self.strategy == CoverageStrategy.PATH else (idx in occurrence_map[covitem])
# Re-iterate through all path constraints to solve them concretely (with knowledge of what is beyond in the trace)
for i, pc in enumerate(path_constraints):
if pc.isMultipleBranches(): # If there is a condition
for branch in pc.getBranchConstraints(): # Get all branches
# Get the constraint of the branch which has not been taken.
if not branch['isTaken']:
covitem = self._get_covitem(current_hash, branch)
generic_covitem = ('', covitem[1]) if self.strategy == CoverageStrategy.PREFIXED_EDGE else covitem
# print(f"Covitem: {covitem}: {covitem not in self.covered_items} | {covitem not in self.pending_coverage} | {covitem not in self.uncoverable_items} | {i in not_covered_items.get(covitem, [])} | {i} | {not_covered_items.get(covitem)}")
# Not covered in: previous runs | yet to be covered by a seed already SAT | not uncoverable | parts of items to solve
if generic_covitem not in self.covered_items and \
generic_covitem not in self.pending_coverage and \
covitem not in self.uncoverable_items and \
i in not_covered_items.get(covitem, []):
# Send the branch to solve to the function iterating
res = yield SymExType.CONDITIONAL_JMP, pending_csts, branch, covitem, i
# If path SAT add it to pending coverage
if res == SolverStatus.SAT:
elif res == SolverStatus.UNSAT:
if BranchSolvingStrategy.UNSAT_ONCE in self.branch_strategy:
self.uncoverable_items[covitem] = res
elif self.strategy in [CoverageStrategy.PATH, CoverageStrategy.PREFIXED_EDGE]:
self.uncoverable_items[covitem] = res # paths, and prefixed-edge ensure to be unique thus drop if unsat
elif res == SolverStatus.TIMEOUT:
if BranchSolvingStrategy.TIMEOUT_ONCE in self.branch_strategy:
self.uncoverable_items[covitem] = res
elif res == SolverStatus.UNKNOWN:
else: # status == None
logger.debug(f'Branch skipped!')
pending_csts = [] # reset pending constraint added
pass # Branch was taken do nothing
# Add it the path predicate constraints and update current path hash
current_hash.update(struct.pack("<Q", pc.getTakenAddress()))
cmt = pc.getComment()
if (cmt.startswith("dyn-jmp") and BranchSolvingStrategy.COVER_SYM_DYNJUMP in self.branch_strategy) or \
(cmt.startswith("sym-read") and BranchSolvingStrategy.COVER_SYM_READ in self.branch_strategy) or \
(cmt.startswith("sym-write") and BranchSolvingStrategy.COVER_SYM_WRITE in self.branch_strategy):
typ, offset, addr = cmt.split(":")
typ = SymExType(typ)
offset, addr = int(offset), int(addr)
if addr not in self.covered_symbolic_pointers: # if the address pointer has never been covered
pred = pc.getTakenPredicate()
if pred.getType() == AST_NODE.EQUAL:
p1, p2 = pred.getChildren()
if p2.getType() == AST_NODE.BV:
logger.info(f"Try to enumerate value {offset}:0x{addr:02x}: {p1}")
res = yield typ, pending_csts, p1, (addr, p2.evaluate()), i
self.covered_symbolic_pointers.add(addr) # add the pointer in covered regardless of result
logger.warning(f"memory constraint unexpected pattern: {pred}")
logger.warning(f"memory constraint unexpected pattern: {pred}")
if BranchSolvingStrategy.SOUND_MEM_ACCESS in self.branch_strategy:
pending_csts.append(pc) # if sound add the mem dereference as a constraint in path predicate
# NOTE: in both case the branch is not taken in account in the current_path_hash
else: # Routines, or user-defined constraints thus add it all the time.
def _get_covitem(self, path_hash, branch: PathBranch) -> CovItem:
src, dst = branch['srcAddr'], branch['dstAddr']
# Check if the target is new with regard to the strategy
if self.strategy == CoverageStrategy.BLOCK:
return dst
elif self.strategy == CoverageStrategy.EDGE:
return src, dst
elif self.strategy == CoverageStrategy.PATH:
# Have to fork the hash of the current pc for each branch we want to revert
forked_hash = path_hash.copy()
forked_hash.update(struct.pack("<Q", dst))
return forked_hash.hexdigest()
elif self.strategy == CoverageStrategy.PREFIXED_EDGE:
return path_hash.hexdigest(), (src, dst)
assert False
def _get_items_trace(self, path_constraints: List[PathConstraint]) -> Dict[CovItem, List[int]]:
Iterate the all trace and retrieve all covered and not covered CovItem. For non-covered one
it filters instances to check.
not_covered = {}
current_hash = hashlib.md5() # Current path hash for PATH coverage
for i, pc in enumerate(path_constraints):
if pc.isMultipleBranches(): # If there is a condition
for branch in pc.getBranchConstraints(): # Get all branches
if not branch['isTaken']:
covitem = self._get_covitem(current_hash, branch)
if covitem in not_covered:
not_covered[covitem] = [i]
current_hash.update(struct.pack("<Q", pc.getTakenAddress())) # compute current path hash along the way
pass # Ignore all other dynamic constraints in path computation
# Now filter the map according to the branch solving strategy
if BranchSolvingStrategy.FIRST_LAST_NOT_COVERED in self.branch_strategy:
if self.strategy == CoverageStrategy.PREFIXED_EDGE:
# Black magic
m = {("", e): [] for h, e in not_covered.keys()} # Map: ("", edge) -> []
for (h, e), v in not_covered.items(): # fill map with all occurrences edges regardless of path
m[("", e)].extend(v)
for k in m.keys(): # iterate the result and only keep min and max occurrence
idxs = m[k]
if len(idxs) > 2:
m[k] = [min(idxs), max(idxs)]
for k in not_covered.keys(): # Push back resulting list in not_covered items
not_covered[k] = m[('', k[1])]
else: # Straightforward
for k in not_covered.keys():
lst = not_covered[k]
if len(lst) > 2:
not_covered[k] = [lst[0], lst[-1]] # Only keep first and last iteration
pass # Keep all occurrences
return not_covered
def merge(self, other: CoverageSingleRun) -> None:
Merge a CoverageSingeRun instance into this instance
:param other: The CoverageSingleRun to merge into self
:type other: CoverageSingleRun
assert self.strategy == other.strategy
# Update instruction coverage for code coverage (in all cases keep code coverage)
# Remove covered items from pending ones
# Update covered items
# Update non-covered ones
if self.strategy == CoverageStrategy.PREFIXED_EDGE:
# More complex as not_covered as covitem: (hash, edge) while covered has covitems: ("", edge)
# remove self not covered that are now covered
for _, edge in other.covered_items.keys():
if edge in self._not_covered_items_mirror:
for prefix in self._not_covered_items_mirror[edge]: # iterate all the prefixes
self.not_covered_items.discard((prefix, edge)) # and discard them
self._not_covered_items_mirror.pop(edge) # finally discard the entry
# Only add other not covered if still not covered
for prefix, edge in other.not_covered_items:
if ("", edge) not in self.covered_items:
self.not_covered_items.add((prefix, edge))
if edge not in self._not_covered_items_mirror:
self._not_covered_items_mirror[edge] = [prefix]
else: # Straightforward set difference
self.not_covered_items.update(other.not_covered_items - self.covered_items.keys())
def can_improve_coverage(self, other: CoverageSingleRun) -> bool:
Check if some of the non-covered are not already in the global coverage
Used to know if an input is relevant to keep or not
:param other: The CoverageSingleRun to check against our global coverage state
:return: bool
return bool(self.new_items_to_cover(other))
def can_cover_symbolic_pointers(self, execution: 'SymbolicExecutor') -> bool:
Determines if this execution has symbolic memory accesses to enumerate. If so we may want
to enumerate them even though
path_constraints = execution.pstate.get_path_constraints()
for pc in path_constraints:
if not pc.isMultipleBranches(): # If there isn't a condition i.e. it's a sym ptr access
cmt = pc.getComment()
if (cmt.startswith("dyn-jmp") and BranchSolvingStrategy.COVER_SYM_DYNJUMP in self.branch_strategy) or \
(cmt.startswith("sym-read") and BranchSolvingStrategy.COVER_SYM_READ in self.branch_strategy) or \
(cmt.startswith("sym-write") and BranchSolvingStrategy.COVER_SYM_WRITE in self.branch_strategy):
typ, offset, addr = cmt.split(":")
typ = SymExType(typ)
offset, addr = int(offset), int(addr)
if addr not in self.covered_symbolic_pointers: # if the address pointer has never been covered
return True
return False
def new_items_to_cover(self, other: CoverageSingleRun) -> Set[CovItem]:
Return all coverage items (addresses, edges, paths) that the given CoverageSingleRun
can cover if it is possible to negate their branches
:param other: The CoverageSingleRun to check with our global coverage state
:return: A set of CovItem
assert self.strategy == other.strategy
# Take not covered_items (potential candidates) subtract already covered items, uncoverable and pending ones.
# Resulting covitem are really new ones that the trace brings
return other.not_covered_items - self.covered_items.keys() - self.uncoverable_items.keys() - self.pending_coverage
def improve_coverage(self, other: CoverageSingleRun) -> bool:
Checks if the given object do cover new covitem than the current
coverage. More concretely it performs the difference between the
two covered dicts. If ``other`` contains new items return True.
:param other: coverage on which to check coverage
:return: Whether the coverage covers new items
return bool(other.covered_items.keys() - self.covered_items.keys())
def from_file(file: Union[str, Path]) -> 'GlobalCoverage':
with open(file, "rb") as f:
obj = pickle.load(f)
return obj
def to_file(self, file: Union[str, Path]) -> None:
copy = self._current_path_hash
self._current_path_hash = None
with open(file, "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(self, f)
self._current_path_hash = copy
def post_exploration(self, workspace: 'Workspace') -> None:
""" Function called at the very end of the exploration.
It saves the coverage in the workspace.
:param workspace: Workspace in which to save coverage
:type workspace: Workspace
# Save the coverage
def clone(self) -> 'GlobalCoverage':
cov2 = GlobalCoverage(self.strategy, self.branch_strategy)
# Copy items from the CoverageSingleRun
cov2.covered_instructions = Counter({k: v for k, v in self.covered_instructions.items()})
cov2.covered_items = Counter({k: v for k, v in self.covered_items.items()})
cov2.not_covered_items = {x for x in self.not_covered_items}
cov2._not_covered_items_mirror = {k: v for k, v in self._not_covered_items_mirror.items()}
cov2._current_path = self._current_path[:]
self._current_path: List[Addr] = []
self._current_path_hash = self._current_path_hash.copy()
# Copy items from the global coverage
cov2.pending_coverage = {x for x in self.pending_coverage}
cov2.uncoverable_items = {k: v for k, v in self.uncoverable_items.items()}
cov2.covered_symbolic_pointers = {x for x in self.covered_symbolic_pointers}
return cov2