Source code for qsynthesis.grammar.grammar

# Standard modules
from __future__ import annotations
import random

# Qsynthesis types
from qsynthesis.types import BitSize, Char, Input, Dict, List, Tuple
from qsynthesis.tritonast import TritonAst
from qsynthesis.grammar.ops import BvOp, Operator, OPERATORS

[docs]class TritonGrammar(object): """ Triton Grammar class. It represent a set of operators, and variables of a given size (only 64 bits at the moment). """ def __init__(self, vars: List[Tuple[Char, BitSize]], ops: List[BvOp]): """ Constructor taking a set of variables (name and size) and a set of operators. :param vars: list of tuple of (name ,size) :type vars: List[Tuple[:py:obj:`qsynthesis.types.Char`, :py:obj:`qsynthesis.types.BitSize`]] :param ops: list of BvOp representing operators :type ops: List[BvOp] """ self.ops = ops self.vars_dict = {x[0]: x[1] for x in vars} # Dict of str->size self.vars = list(self.vars_dict.keys()) self.size = self.vars_dict[self.vars[0]] # take size of the first var as they all have the same size @property def non_terminal_operators(self) -> List[Operator]: """ Return the list of non-terminal operators. All unary and binary operators are non terminal as they can be derived. :return: list of operators namedtuples """ return [OPERATORS[x] for x in self.ops]
[docs] def gen_test_inputs(self, n: int) -> List[Input]: """ Generate a list of ``n`` input. Thus it generate a random valuation for each variables of the grammar and that n times. :param n: Number of Input to generate (size of the list) :type n: int :returns: list of inputs :rtype: List[:py:obj:`qsynthesis.types.Input`] """ return [{var: random.getrandbits(self.vars_dict[var]) for var in self.vars} for _ in range(n)]
[docs] def str_to_expr(self, s: str, *args) -> TritonAst: """ Convert a string in the format of the grammar into a TritonAst. In practice an args[0] should be a TritonAst from which to spawn a new TritonAst. That is required to get the same mapping of normalized variables than the one used by expr. :param s: expression string to convert to TritonAst :return: the TritonAst representing the expressions string :raises: NameError, TypeError """ expr = args[0] return expr.normalized_str_to_ast(s)
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict: """ Return a dictionnary representation of the grammar. This is used for serialization in database etc. """ return dict( vars=[(n, sz) for n, sz in self.vars_dict.items()], operators=[ for x in self.ops] )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(g_dict: Dict) -> 'TritonGrammar': """ Static method instanciating a TritonGrammar from its representation as a dictionnary. :param g_dict: dictionarry representation of the grammar :returns: TritonGrammar object """ return TritonGrammar(g_dict['vars'], [BvOp[x] for x in g_dict['operators']])