Source code for libpastis.agent

# built-ins
import time
from typing import Callable, Tuple, List, Union
from enum import Enum
import logging
import threading
from pathlib import Path
import socket

# third-party libs
import zmq
import psutil

# local imports
from libpastis.proto import InputSeedMsg, StartMsg, StopMsg, HelloMsg, LogMsg, \
                            TelemetryMsg, StopCoverageCriteria, DataMsg, EnvelopeMsg
from libpastis.types import SeedType, Arch, FuzzingEngineInfo, PathLike, ExecMode, CheckMode, CoverageMode, SeedInjectLoc, \
                            LogLevel, State, AlertData, Platform, FuzzMode
from libpastis.utils import get_local_architecture, get_local_platform

Message = Union[InputSeedMsg, StartMsg, StopMsg, HelloMsg, LogMsg, TelemetryMsg, StopCoverageCriteria, DataMsg]

class MessageType(Enum):  # Topics in the ZMQ terminology
    Enum encoding the type of the message that can be received.
    HELLO = 'hello_msg'
    # STATE = 1
    START = 'start_msg'
    INPUT_SEED = 'input_msg'
    TELEMETRY = 'telemetry_msg'
    LOG = 'log_msg'
    STOP_COVERAGE_DONE = 'stop_crit_msg'
    STOP = "stop_msg"
    DATA = "data_msg"

class AgentMode(Enum):
    Internal enum identifying whether the agent is running as a broker
    or a client.
    BROKER = 1
    CLIENT = 2

class NetworkAgent(object):
    Base class for network-based PASTIS agents (both clients and servers)
    def __init__(self):
        self.mode = None
        self.ctx = zmq.Context()
        self.socket = None
        self._stop = False
        self._th = None
        self._cbs = {x: [] for x in MessageType}

    def register_callback(self, typ: MessageType, callback: Callable) -> None:
        Register a callback function on a given message type.

        :param typ: type of the message
        :param callback: Callback function taking the protobuf object as parameter
        :return: None

    def bind(self, port: int = 5555, ip: str = "*") -> None:
        Bind on the given IP and port, to listen incoming messages.

        :param port: listen port
        :param ip: IP, can be "*" to listen on all interfaces
        :return: None
        self.socket = self.ctx.socket(zmq.ROUTER)
        self.socket.RCVTIMEO = 500  # 500 milliseconds
        self.mode = AgentMode.BROKER

    def connect(self, remote: str = "localhost", port: int = 5555) -> bool:
        Connect to a remote server on the given ``remote`` IP and ``port``.

        :param remote: IP address or DNS
        :param port: port to connect to
        :return: Always true
        self.socket = self.ctx.socket(zmq.DEALER)
        self.socket.RCVTIMEO = 500  # 500 milliseconds
        self.mode = AgentMode.CLIENT
        return True

    def start(self) -> None:
        Start the listening thread.
        self._th = threading.Thread(name="[LIBPASTIS]", target=self._recv_loop, daemon=True)

    def run(self) -> None:
        Run receiving loop in a blocking manner.

    def stop(self) -> None:
        Stop the listening thread.
        self._stop = True
        if self._th:

    def _recv_loop(self):
        #flags = 0 if blocking else zmq.DONTWAIT
        while 1:
            if self._stop:
                if self.mode == AgentMode.BROKER:
                    result = self.socket.recv_multipart()
                        uid, data = result  # try unpacking the result
                        self.__broker_transfer_to_callback(uid, data)
                    except ValueError:  # means we can't unpack uid, data
                        logging.error(f"cannot unpack the message: {result}")
                    data = self.socket.recv()
            except zmq.error.Again:

    def send_to(self, id: bytes, msg: Message, msg_type: MessageType = None) -> None:
        Send a message to a given client. Only meant to be used when
        running as a server.

        :param id: bytes id of the client
        :param msg: protobuf :py:obj:`Message` object
        :param msg_type: type of the message
        if self.mode == AgentMode.CLIENT:
            logging.error(f"cannot use sento_to() as {}")
        if msg_type is None:
            msg_type = self.msg_to_type(msg)
        final_msg = EnvelopeMsg()
        getattr(final_msg, msg_type.value).MergeFrom(msg)
        self.socket.send_multipart([id, final_msg.SerializeToString()])

    def send(self, msg: Message, msg_type: MessageType = None) -> None:
        Send a message on the socket (thus to the broker). Should
        only be used as a client (fuzzing agent).

        :param msg: Protobuf message to send
        :param msg_type: Type of the message
        if self.mode == AgentMode.BROKER:
            logging.error(f"cannot use sento() as {}")
        if msg_type is None:
            msg_type = self.msg_to_type(msg)
        final_msg = EnvelopeMsg()
        getattr(final_msg, msg_type.value).CopyFrom(msg)

    def msg_to_type(msg: Message) -> MessageType:
        Get the :py:obj:`MessageType` from a protobuf object.

        :param msg: Protobuf message
        :return: message type
        if isinstance(msg, InputSeedMsg):
            return MessageType.INPUT_SEED
        elif isinstance(msg, HelloMsg):
            return MessageType.HELLO
        elif isinstance(msg, TelemetryMsg):
            return MessageType.TELEMETRY
        elif isinstance(msg, LogMsg):
            return MessageType.LOG
        elif isinstance(msg, StopMsg):
            return MessageType.STOP
        elif isinstance(msg, StopCoverageCriteria):
            return MessageType.STOP_COVERAGE_DONE
        elif isinstance(msg, StartMsg):
            return MessageType.START
        elif isinstance(msg, DataMsg):
            return MessageType.DATA
            logging.error(f"invalid message type: {type(msg)} (cannot find associated topic)")

    def __broker_transfer_to_callback(self, id: bytes, message: bytes):
            msg = EnvelopeMsg()
            logging.error(f"can't parse message from {id} (len:{len(message)})")
        if msg.WhichOneof('msg') is None:
            logging.error(f"Failed at parsing incoming message from {repr(id)}: {repr(message)}")
        message, topic = self._unpack_message(msg)
        if topic in [MessageType.START]:
            logging.error(f"Invalid message of type {} received")
        if not self._cbs[topic]:
            logging.warning(f"[broker] message of type {} (but no callback)")
        args = self._message_args(topic, message)
        for cb in self._cbs[topic]:
            cb(id, *args)

    def __client_transfer_to_callback(self, message: bytes):
            msg = EnvelopeMsg()
            logging.error(f"can't parse message from broker (len:{repr(message)})")
        if msg.WhichOneof('msg') is None:
            logging.error(f"Failed at parsing incoming message from broker: {repr(message)}")
        message, topic = self._unpack_message(msg)
        if topic in [MessageType.HELLO, MessageType.TELEMETRY, MessageType.LOG, MessageType.STOP_COVERAGE_DONE]:
            logging.error(f"Invalid message of type {} received")
        if not self._cbs[topic]:
            logging.warning(f"[agent] message of type {} (but no callback)")
        args = self._message_args(topic, message)
        for cb in self._cbs[topic]:

    def _unpack_message(self, message: EnvelopeMsg) -> Tuple[MessageType, Message]:
        typ = message.WhichOneof('msg')
        return getattr(message, typ), MessageType(typ)

    def _message_args(self, topic: MessageType, msg: Message):
        if topic == MessageType.INPUT_SEED:
            return [SeedType(msg.type), msg.seed]
        elif topic == MessageType.LOG:
            return [LogLevel(msg.level), msg.message]
        elif topic == MessageType.TELEMETRY:
            return [msg.state, msg.exec_per_sec, msg.total_exec, msg.cycle, msg.timeout, msg.coverage_block,
                    msg.coverage_edge, msg.coverage_path, msg.last_cov_update]
        elif topic == MessageType.HELLO:
            engs = [(FuzzingEngineInfo.from_pb(x)) for x in msg.engines]
            return [engs, Arch(msg.architecture), msg.cpus, msg.memory, msg.hostname, Platform(msg.platform)]
        elif topic == MessageType.START:
            return [msg.binary_filename, msg.binary, FuzzingEngineInfo.from_pb(msg.engine), ExecMode(msg.exec_mode), FuzzMode(msg.fuzz_mode),
                    CheckMode(msg.check_mode), CoverageMode(msg.coverage_mode), SeedInjectLoc(msg.seed_location),
                    msg.engine_args, [x for x in msg.program_argv], msg.sast_report]
        elif topic == MessageType.DATA:
            return []
        else:  # for stop and store_coverage_done nothing to unpack
            return []

[docs] class BrokerAgent(NetworkAgent):
[docs] def send_seed(self, id: bytes, typ: SeedType, seed: bytes) -> None: """ Send the given input to the client `id`. :param id: raw id of the client :param typ: Type of the input :param seed: Bytes the of input """ msg = InputSeedMsg() msg.type = typ.value msg.seed = seed self.send_to(id, msg, msg_type=MessageType.INPUT_SEED)
[docs] def send_start(self, id: bytes, name: str, package: PathLike, argv: List[str], exmode: ExecMode, fuzzmode: FuzzMode, ckmode: CheckMode, covmode: CoverageMode, engine: FuzzingEngineInfo, engine_args: str, seed_loc: SeedInjectLoc, sast_report: bytes = None) -> None: """ Send a START message to a fuzzing agent with all the parameters it is meant to run with. :param id: raw id of the client :param name: name of the executable file or binary package :param package: filepath of :py:obj:`BinaryPackage` or program executable to send :param argv: argumnets to be provided on command line :param exmode: execution mode :param fuzzmode: fuzzing mode :param ckmode: checking mode :param covmode: coverage metric to use :param engine: descriptor of the fuzzing engine :param engine_args: engine's additional arguments or configuration file :param seed_loc: location where to provide inputs (stdin or argv) :param sast_report: SAST report if applicable """ msg = StartMsg() if isinstance(package, str): package = Path(package) msg.binary_filename = name msg.binary = package.read_bytes() = msg.engine.version = engine.version msg.exec_mode = exmode.value msg.fuzz_mode = fuzzmode.value msg.check_mode = ckmode.value msg.coverage_mode = covmode.value msg.seed_location = seed_loc.value msg.engine_args = engine_args if sast_report is not None: msg.sast_report = sast_report for arg in argv: msg.program_argv.append(arg) self.send_to(id, msg, msg_type=MessageType.START)
[docs] def send_stop(self, id: bytes) -> None: """ Send a stop message to the client. :param id: raw id of the client """ msg = StopMsg() self.send_to(id, msg, msg_type=MessageType.STOP)
[docs] def register_seed_callback(self, cb: Callable) -> None: self.register_callback(MessageType.INPUT_SEED, cb)
[docs] def register_hello_callback(self, cb: Callable) -> None: self.register_callback(MessageType.HELLO, cb)
[docs] def register_log_callback(self, cb: Callable) -> None: self.register_callback(MessageType.LOG, cb)
[docs] def register_telemetry_callback(self, cb: Callable) -> None: self.register_callback(MessageType.TELEMETRY, cb)
[docs] def register_stop_coverage_callback(self, cb: Callable) -> None: self.register_callback(MessageType.STOP_COVERAGE_DONE, cb)
[docs] def register_data_callback(self, cb: Callable) -> None: self.register_callback(MessageType.DATA, cb)
[docs] class ClientAgent(NetworkAgent): """ Subclass of NetworkAgent to connect to PASTIS as a fuzzing agent. The class provides helper methods to interact with the broker. """
[docs] def send_hello(self, engines: List[FuzzingEngineInfo], arch: Arch = None, platform: Platform = None) -> bool: """ Send the hello message to the broker. `engines` parameter is the list of fuzzing engines that "we" as client support. E.g: Pastisd is meant to be an interface for all engines locally, so it will advertise multiple engines. :param engines: list of engines, the client is able to launch :param arch: the architecture supported (if None, local one is used) :param platform: the platform supported (if None local one used) """ msg = HelloMsg() arch = get_local_architecture() if arch is None else arch if arch is None: logging.error(f"current architecture: {platform.machine()} is not supported") return False plfm = get_local_platform() if platform is None else platform if plfm is None: logging.error(f"current platform is not supported") return False msg.architecture = arch.value msg.cpus = psutil.cpu_count() msg.memory = psutil.virtual_memory().total msg.hostname = socket.gethostname() msg.platform = plfm.value for eng in engines: msg.engines.add(, version=eng.version, pymodule=eng.pymodule) self.send(msg, msg_type=MessageType.HELLO)
[docs] def send_log(self, level: LogLevel, message: str) -> None: """ Log message to be sent and printed by the broker. All logs received by the broker are logged in a client specific logfile. :param level: level of the log message :param message: message as a string """ self.send(LogMsg(level=level.value, message=message), MessageType.LOG)
[docs] def debug(self, message: str) -> None: """ Send a debug message to the broker :param message: message as a string """ self.send_log(LogLevel.DEBUG, message)
[docs] def info(self, message: str) -> None: """ Send an info (level) message to the broker :param message: message to send """ self.send_log(LogLevel.INFO, message)
[docs] def warning(self, message: str) -> None: """ Send a warning (level) message to the broker. :param message: message to send """ self.send_log(LogLevel.WARNING, message)
[docs] def error(self, message: str) -> None: """ Send an error (level) message to the broker. :param message: message to send """ self.send_log(LogLevel.ERROR, message)
[docs] def critical(self, message: str) -> None: """ Send a critical (level) message to the broker. :param message: message to send """ self.send_log(LogLevel.CRITICAL, message)
[docs] def send_telemetry(self, state: State = None, exec_per_sec: int = None, total_exec: int = None, cycle: int = None, timeout: int = None, coverage_block: int = None, coverage_edge: int = None, coverage_path: int = None, last_cov_update: int = None) -> None: """ Send a telemetry message to the broker. These data could be used on the broker side to plot statistics. :param state: current state of the fuzzer :param exec_per_sec: number of execution per seconds :param total_exec: total number of executions :param cycle: number of cycles :param timeout: timeout numbers :param coverage_block: coverage count in blocks :param coverage_edge: coverage count in edges :param coverage_path: coverage count in paths :param last_cov_update: last coverage update """ msg = TelemetryMsg() msg.cpu_usage = psutil.cpu_percent() msg.mem_usage = psutil.virtual_memory().percent if state: msg.state = state.value if exec_per_sec: msg.exec_per_sec = exec_per_sec if total_exec: msg.total_exec = total_exec if cycle: msg.cycle = cycle if timeout: msg.timeout = timeout if coverage_block: msg.coverage_block = coverage_block if coverage_edge: msg.coverage_edge = coverage_edge if coverage_path: msg.coverage_path = coverage_path if last_cov_update: msg.last_cov_update = last_cov_update self.send(msg, msg_type=MessageType.TELEMETRY)
[docs] def send_stop_coverage_criteria(self) -> None: """ Send a message to the broker indicating, the program has been fully covered in accordance to the coverage criteria (metric). """ self.send(StopCoverageCriteria(), MessageType.STOP_COVERAGE_DONE)
[docs] def send_seed(self, typ: SeedType, seed: bytes) -> None: """ Send an input seed to the broker. The ``typ`` indicates the type of the seed, namely, input, crash or hang. :param typ: type of the input :param seed: bytes of the input """ msg = InputSeedMsg() msg.type = typ.value msg.seed = seed self.send(msg, msg_type=MessageType.INPUT_SEED)
[docs] def send_alert_data(self, alert_data: AlertData) -> None: """ Send information related to the coverage or validation of a specific SAST alert. :param alert_data: alert object """ msg = DataMsg() = alert_data.to_json() self.send(msg, msg_type=MessageType.DATA)
[docs] def register_start_callback(self, cb: Callable) -> None: """ Register a callback that will be called when a start message will be received. The callback should take 11 parameters. :param cb: callback function. """ self.register_callback(MessageType.START, cb)
[docs] def register_stop_callback(self, cb: Callable) -> None: """ Register a callback called when the broker send a STOP message. The fuzzing has to stop running and sending data. :param cb: callback function """ self.register_callback(MessageType.STOP, cb)
[docs] def register_seed_callback(self, cb: Callable) -> None: """ Register a callback called when an input seed is received from the broker. The callback function take 2 parameters seed type and content. :param cb: callback function """ self.register_callback(MessageType.INPUT_SEED, cb)
[docs] def register_data_callback(self, cb: Callable) -> None: """ Register callback called when data is received. At the moment data are necessarily AlertData messages. :param cb: callback function """ self.register_callback(MessageType.DATA, cb)
class FileAgent(ClientAgent): """ Mock agent that will mimick all APIs function of a network agent but which will never receive any incoming messages. All messages sent are logged to a file """ def __init__(self, level=logging.INFO, log_file: str = None): super(FileAgent, self).__init__() del self.ctx # Remove network related attributes del self.socket self.logger = logging.getLogger('FileAgent') self.logger.parent = None # Remove root handler to make sur it is not printed on output # create file handler if log_file is not None: ch = logging.FileHandler(log_file) ch.setLevel(level) ch.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s]: %(message)s')) self.logger.addHandler(ch) def bind(self, port: int = 5555, ip: str = "*"): raise RuntimeError("FileAgent is not meant to be used as broker") def connect(self, remote: str = "localhost", port: int = 5555) -> bool: return True # Do nothing def _recv_loop(self): while 1: if self._stop: return time.sleep(0.05) def send_to(self, id: bytes, msg: Message, msg_type: MessageType = None): raise RuntimeError("FileAgent is not meant to be used as broker") def send(self, msg: Message, msg_type: MessageType = None): if self.mode == AgentMode.BROKER: logging.error(f"cannot use sento() as {}") return if msg_type is None: msg_type = self.msg_to_type(msg) if isinstance(msg, InputSeedMsg): msg = f"{SeedType(msg.type).name}: {msg.seed[:20]}.." elif isinstance(msg, HelloMsg): msg = f"{msg.hostname}: {Platform(msg.platform)}({Arch(msg.architecture)}) CPU:{msg.cpus} engines:{[ for x in msg.engines]}" elif isinstance(msg, TelemetryMsg): msg = f"{State(msg.state).name} exec/s: {msg.exec_per_sec} total:{msg.total_exec}" elif isinstance(msg, LogMsg): msg = f"{LogLevel(msg.level).name}: {msg.message}" elif isinstance(msg, DataMsg): msg = f"Data: {}" elif isinstance(msg, StopCoverageCriteria): msg = "" else: logging.error(f"invalid message type: {type(msg)} as client") return"send {} {msg}")