FSM Demo

The FSM demo is a tiny software implementing a state-machine that contains a bug. It shows how to combine the various approaches into a collaborative fuzzing campaign within the PASTIS framework.

The code fsm.c read “packets” on stdin. Each packet is a struct composed of an ID on 16 bits and a data integer on 32 bits. Depending on the ID and the data the FSM switches state.

Preparing the target

To prepare the target it has to be compiled for all the supported engines in our case AFL++, Honggfuzz and TritonDSE.

tar xvf fsm-demo.tar.gz
cd fsm-demo

The Makefile is rather straighforward for such a simple case. Note that TritonDSE compiles without any instrumentation.

CFLAGS=-Wall -g -fno-pie
CFLAGS=-Wall -g

all: triton hfuzz afl
    echo "done"

    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) src/fsm.c -o bin/fsm.tt

    $(HF-CC) $(CFLAGS) src/fsm.c -o bin/fsm.hf

    $(AFL-CC) $(CFLAGS) src/fsm.c -o bin/fsm.afl

Running the Broker

Now that targets are compile it now time to run the broker and then engines. By default engines contact localhost on port 5555. If run from a remote machine the IP and port have to be provided. The broker can be run with:

pastis-broker -b bin -s initial -w output

It will use bin as the directory containing compiled variants, initial as the initial corpus and will write all its output to the workspace output. Once, launched it should have detected the various variants and wait for clients to connect.

Running AFL++

The target is ready to be fuzzed. One can launch AFL++ on the target with:

pastis-aflpp online

Running TritonDSE

Once ready we can run TritonDSE on the target with:

pastis-tritondse online

It will connect the broker that will send it the fsm.tt target with the right configuration.


If you want to run TritonDSE with a specific configuration it has to be be provided via the broker with -e pastistritondse.addon --tt-config conf.json. The -e preload the tritondse addon in order to be able to load the configuration file.

Post campaign

Once the campaign terminated. You can retrieve the whole broker workspace in the output directory.