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Add a new mapper

Mapper Development

First develop your mapper. We are using numbat to manipulate the db used by sourcetrail to store the pieces of information to show in Sourcetrail. Everything is explained in Numbat's detailed tutorial.

Then, add the required dependencies into pyproject.toml.

Integration into the main program

Once the mapper is ready, it should be integrated into pyrrha CLI by adding the corresponding subcommand in the src/pyrrha_mapper/ The CLI system is handled with click

The subcommand corresponds to a function implementing the main of your mapper and some decorators to declare the subcommand name, its options and its arguments.

The command name is declared with the following decorator. It automatically adds two options: --db to indicate the path of the db and -d to set the log level at DEBUG instead of INFO.

    'my_mapper',  # the command name
    cls=MapperCommand,  # it will add default options
    short_help='A quick help.',
    help='A longer help, display only for this command help, no the general one.'
You can now add options and arguments if needed. Below you can found some examples but as click is a powerful tool, check the documentation about click.option and click.argument for more details.
# a flag option (if activated = True, else False)
@click.option('-o', '--myoption', # short and long option name
              help='An help message',
# an option to precise the number of threads
@click.option('-j', '--jobs',
              help='Number of parallel jobs created (threads).',
              type=click.IntRange(1, multiprocessing.cpu_count(), clamp=True),
# an argument
                type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, dir_okay=True, path_type=Path))
Then, you can implement the function that will run your mapper. It will have as parameters all the options and arguments declared before. We also provide two utilities function which sets up the logs and create/open a db given a path.


Do not forget that by default, the first two parameters will be debug: bool, db: Path.

def my_mapper(debug: bool, db: Path, myoption, jobs, target_directory):
    db_instance = setup_db(db)

    # main work

    db_instance.close() # do not forget to close your db connection    
    'my_mapper',  # the command name
    cls=MapperCommand,  # it will add default options
    short_help='A quick help.',
    help='A longer help, display only for this command help, no the general one.'
# a flag option (if activated = True, else False)
@click.option('-o', '--myoption', # short and long option name
              help='An help message',
# an option to precise the number of threads
@click.option('-j', '--jobs',
              help='Number of parallel jobs created (threads).',
              type=click.IntRange(1, multiprocessing.cpu_count(), clamp=True),
# an argument
                type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, dir_okay=True, path_type=Path))
def my_mapper(debug: bool, db: Path, myoption, jobs, target_directory):
    db_instance = setup_db(db)

    # main work

    db_instance.close() # do not forget to close your db connection  

if __name__ == '__main__':


Finally, you should add a page relative to your mapper inside the documentation. The list below resume the steps to add your mapper in every required places of the documentation:

  1. Write your documentation in a markdown file that should be place into the docs/mappers folder.


    We are using material theme of the mkdocs doc system. It provides a lot of nice features to improve your documentation like this note block. Do not hesitate to take a look at their documentation!

  2. Add your mapper in mapper lists (in and in docs/mappers/

  3. Complete the nav section in the mkdocs.yml file to add your file in the site navigation system.

      - Home:
      - Installation:
      - Mappers:
          - mappers/
          - Filesystem: mappers/
          - My Mapper: mappers/