Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman is a key agreement protocol involving elliptic curve cryptography. It was standardised by NIST in SP 800-56A.

Summary of ANSSI rules and recommendations




Compliant with FRP256v1, P-256, P-384, P-521, brainpoolP256r1, brainpoolP384r1, brainpoolP512r1.


See curves above.


Compliant with B-283, B-409, B-571.


See curves above.


Compliant if the curve is compliant with RègleECp or RègleEC2.


Up to the implementation.


As a key agreement protocol, ECDH involves two parties who want to establish a shared secret using asymmetric cryptography. They start by agreeing on the domain parameters to use.

ECDH domain parameters




The prime which specifies the size of the finite field.

\(a\), \(b\)

The coefficients of the elliptic curve equation.


The base point, generator of the subgroup.


The order of the subgroup.


The cofactor.

Once the domain parameters have been agreed upon, both parties, hereby called Alice and Bob, proceed as follows:

  1. Alice picks \(d_A\) randomly.

  2. Bob picks \(d_B\) randomly.

  3. Alice sends \(pub_A = d_A * G\) to Bob.

  4. Bob sends \(pub_B = d_B *G\) to Alice.

  5. Alice computes \(P = d_A * pub_B = d_A * d_B * G\).

  6. Bob computes \(P = d_B * pub_A = d_B * d_A * G\).

At the end of this procedure, both Alice and Bob obtained the same point \(P\). The shared secret is the x-coordinate of this point.

However the algorithm standardised in SP 800-56A is slightly different: called ECC CDH (Elliptic Curve Cryptography Cofactor Diffie-Hellman), it involves introducing the cofactor \(h\) to the mix in the steps 5 and 6:

  1. Alice computes \(P = (d_A * h) * pub_B\).

  2. Bob computes \(P = (d_B * h) * pub_A\).

ANSSI rules and recommendations

Discrete logarithm for elliptic curves defined over \(GF(p)\)


  • Use subgroups whose order is a multiple of a prime number that is at least 250 bits long.

    1. When using curves whose security relies of a mathematical problem that is easier than the generic elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem for elliptic curves defined over \(GF(p)\), the problem must verify the corresponding rules.


  1. It is recommended to use subgroups whose order is prime (instead of being a multiple of a prime number).

Discrete logarithm for elliptic curves defined over \(GF(2^n)\)


  1. The order of the subgroup must be a multiple of a prime number that is at least 250 bits long.

  2. The parameter \(n\) must be a prime number.

  3. When using curves whose security relies of a mathematical problem that is easier than the generic elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem for elliptic curves defined over \(GF(2^n)\), the problem must verify the corresponding rules.


  1. It is recommended to use subgroups whose order is prime (instead of being the multiple of a prime).

Post-quantum resistance


The security of asymmetric cryptosystems must depend on at least a mathematical problem that has been well studied and recognized by academia.

Key management


  1. The same asymmetric key pair may not be used for more than one purpose.

  2. Hierarchically important keys, such as root keys, must be generated and used by compliant mechanisms.

ANSSI notes and recommendations

Note 5.3.a: Points on the curve

Concerning brainpoolP256r1, brainpoolP384r1, brainpoolP512r1, P-256, P-384, and P-521:

For curve parameters such that all points on the curve are multiples of the base point \(P\) of prime order \(q\), implementations must verify that the points used belong to the curve, in other words that the points verify the equation defining the curve.